
Steps to get this to work locally:

  1. pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  2. Get an api (I will not share my api token... :( )

    • run python3 get_api
    • follow instructions
  3. Now that you have a client id and access token,

    • refreshing api: python3 refresh_api
    • you can choose what to do now
  4. Retrieving anime ids:

    • python3 anime_ids param1 param2 param3
    • limit = "param1": how many top animes you want
    • init_offset = "param2": if you want to offset the ranking (ex: start at anime #50 -> init_offset = 50)
    • append_status = "param3": boolean (True/False) to determine if we want to append to an existing anime_ids file
  5. Retrieving anime details:

    • requires anime ids
    • python3 anime_details param1
    • append_status = "param1": boolean (True/False) to determine if we want to append to an existing anime_ids file
    • follow instructions
  6. Retrieving user information:

    • requires api
    • python3 user_info param1 param2
    • username = "param1": username to retrieve info from
    • append_status = "param2": boolean (True/False) to determine if we want to append to an existing user info file(s)
  7. Retrieving videos:

    • requires video urls from anime details step
    • python3 get_videos
  8. Trimming available videos:

    • requires videos
    • python3 trim_all param1 param2
    • start_percentage = "param1": to what percent to clip off
    • end_percentage = "param2": from what percent to clip off
    • if you only want 20-80% -> start_percentage, end_percentage = 20, 80
  9. Generate random frames:

    • requires videos
    • python3 random_frames_all params1
    • frames = "params1": the number of frames to save per video
  10. Removing violating frames

    • requires frames
    • python3 remove_bad_frames
    • function is really slow and does not remove every violating frame
    • highly recommended to go through yourself
  11. Making ImageFolder

    • requires frames and classes (if move user info, 2nd line)
    • python3 move_to_classes param1 param2
    • python3 user_move_to_classes param1 param2 param3 param4
    • path_to_make = "param1": destination of where to make the ImageFolder
    • path_to_folder = "param2": where the current folder with frames is
    • path_user_labels = "param3": where the text file for user scores is
    • path_user_animes = "param4": where the text file for user anime is
  12. (Optional) Make noisy images

    • requires frames
    • python3 add_noise param1 param2 param3
    • path_to_images = "param1": where the current folder with frames is
    • path_to_noised_images = "param2": destination of where to make the new frames
    • std = "param3": standard deviation of the normal Gaussian distribution to specify
    • to replicate my set, std was 0.8 and 3.
  13. Running general model

    • requires ImageFolder dataset and CUDA
    • python3
    • remember to specify filepaths
    • path_to_data is where you have the training dataset
    • path_to_test is where you have the testing dataset
    • path_to_model is where you save/load the model
    • additional params: need_save and noRound can be specified (default True/False respectively to save model and round anime scores)
  14. Running user model

    • requires ImageFolder dataset, CUDA, saved model
    • python3
    • remember to specify filepaths
    • path_to_user_data is where you have the user dataset
    • path_to_recommend_data is where you have the small ImageFolder dataset
    • path_to_model is where you saved the general model
    • path_to_save_model is where you want to save/load the user model
    • additional params: need_save and noRound can be specified (default True/False respectively to save model and round anime scores)
    • if you want to have the model recommend, specify needs_save as False