Cheetacrack is a small python script for the purpose of recovering factory WPA/WPA2 keys from Pirelli wifi modem/routers. It is a free and open source project, released under the GPL terms. For further details please read LICENCE. To run this script you need to have python libraries installed. Note: It is compatible with Backtrack 5+ and other modern Linux distributions. Make the shell script first executable: chmod +x ./cheetacrack Then, run it: ./cheetacrack <mac_address> Example: ./cheetacrack 38:22:9D:A3:00:00 Alternativelly you may call the python script directly and with a different file input for "bases": python ./ <mac_address> <file_input> Example: python ./ 38:22:9D:A3:00:00 bases.lst
Cheetacrack is a small python script to recover factory WPA passwords from various Pirelli home wifi routers.