
Setup for Rails in FreeNAS

Primary LanguageRuby

1. Jail

  1. name: webserver
  2. type: portjail (x64)
  3. Click 'save'
  4. Click 'jails'
  5. Click 'webserver'
  6. Click 'shell'

1.1. SSH access

  1. vi /etc/rc.conf
  2. change sshd_enable="NO" to sshd_enable="YES"
  3. start ssh daemon (sshd) /etc/rc.d/sshd start

parameters: needs to belong to group "wheel" - reason? to enable SSH also make sure when choosing a shell input "bash" - otherwise csh will default, and this won't work

1.1.1. adduser (your own account)

  1. type: adduser
  2. Invite to login group 'wheel'
  3. Set shell path to bash (We'll install this in the next steps) /usr/local/bin/bash

1.1.2. promote www to real user

  1. mkdir -p /home/www/sites
  2. cp ~/.profile /home/www (Copy our profile over to www, because it never had one to begin with)
  3. chown -R www:www /home/www
  4. chpass www
  5. set home to /home/www
  6. set shell to /usr/local/bin/bash
  7. pw usermod www -G wheel

1.2. Ports

In the shell that you launched for the web server jail you created we need to fetch extract and update our ports.

  1. portsnap fetch
  2. portsnap extract
  3. portsnap update

1.2.1. Port: bash

This will prompt for configuration options. Configure as you see fit. I recommend (in the subsequent dependent port installations, disabling EXAMPLES pic here

  1. cd /usr/ports/shells/bash
  2. make install clean
  3. I turn off P4 and CVS

1.2.2. Port: sudo

  1. cd /usr/ports/security/sudo
  2. make install clean
  3. I like to select INSULTS and LDAP as options
  4. vi /usr/local/etc/sudoers
  5. uncomment (remove '#') this line # %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL (near the bottom of the file)
  6. wq! (Write, Quit, Because I Said So)

NOTE: AT THIS POINT YOU CAN SSH INTO YOUR BOX IF YOU'D LIKE TO; NO MORE FreeNAS WEBGUI SHELL If you do, and you log in with the user you created earlier, you'll likely need to install ports using the sudo command. Oh, how convenient; we just installed that.

1.2.3. Port: git

  1. cd /usr/ports/devel/git
  2. make install clean
  3. When it asks about curl, I install with LDAP/S and LIBSSH2
  4. When ca_root_nss-3.16.1 select ETCSYMLINK
  5. DOCS not needed for xmlto, getopt, libgcrypt, libgpg-error, docbook-xsl, xmlcatmgr, w3m, boehm-gc, libatomic_ops
  6. EXAMPLES not needed for python27, p5*

(this will take a while, but stick with it)

1.2.4. Port: MySQL

  1. cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql56-server
  2. make install clean
  3. echo 'mysql_enable="YES" >> /etc/rc.conf

1.2.5. Port: sqlite3

  1. cd /usr/ports/databases/sqlite3
  2. make install clean
  3. I turn on MEMMAN

1.2.6. Port: node

V8 JavaScript for client and server

  1. cd /usr/ports/www/node
  2. make install clean

1.2.7. Port: nginx

  1. cd /usr/ports/www/nginx
  2. make install clean
  4. echo 'nginx_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
  5. mkdir /var/log/nginx
  6. chmod g+w /var/log/nginx
  1. cd /usr/ports/devel/rbenv
  2. make install clean
  3. echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
  4. echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
  1. cd /usr/ports/devel/ruby-build
  2. make install clean
  3. You can leave RBENV checked; we already installed it.
  4. Execute the commands we placed into our .bash_profile, source ~/.bash_profile (or . ~/.bash_profile)

1.2.10. Port: ruby

Let's install ruby at the base of our server. We'll be installing localized ruby versions later, (rbenv) but it's nice to have a global ruby present.

  1. cd /usr/ports/lang/ruby21
  2. make install clean
  3. You can pick whatever version you want, but you might as well go with the latest stable.

2. Web Server

edit webserver jail get mac address fix router

  1. sudo mkdir /var/run/unicorn
  2. chmod g+w /var/run/unicorn

Next we're going to install the things we need to get our server hooked up and running. We'll start with Ruby.

2.1. Setup

First however, we need to do all of this inside the www user, as it will be running nginx etc.

  1. sudo su - www
  2. echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
  3. echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
  4. . ~/.bash_profile

2.2. Ruby

  1. rbenv install 2.1.2
  2. rbenv global 2.1.2
  3. rbenv rehash

(test to see if Ruby runs - "ruby -v" - if not, run "exec $SHELL -l")

2.3 Rails

Let's get Bundler and Rails installed, as we'll need those to get a basic project up and running.

  1. gem install bundler rails
  2. gem install sqlite3 -- --with-sqlite3-dir=/usr/local
  3. rbenv rehash
  4. rails new sites/SITE_PROJECT_NAME
  5. mv SITE_PROJECT_NAME current
  7. mv current SITE_PROJECT_NAME

2.4 Unicorn

Partial credit goes to:

  1. gem install unicorn
  2. rbenv rehash
  3. curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/TwilightCoders/FreeNAS-Rails-Setup/master/unicorn.rb -o ~/sites/SITE_PROJECT_NAME/config/unicorn.rb
  4. Edit the unicorn.rb file that is now in your config directory for the rails project you made earlier. vi ~/sites/SITE_PROJECT_NAME/config/unicorn.rb
  5. Set site_name to the name of your project (SITE_PROJECT_NAME, or whatever you called it)
  6. :wq! (write, quit, because I said so)

2.5 nginx

We've already installed nginx, so now it's time to do a little setup.

Partial credit goes to:

  1. cd /usr/local/etc/nginx
  2. mkdir sites
  3. mkdir conf.d
  4. curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/TwilightCoders/FreeNAS-Rails-Setup/master/options -o conf.d/options
  5. curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/TwilightCoders/FreeNAS-Rails-Setup/master/default.rails.site -o default.rails.site
  6. curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/TwilightCoders/FreeNAS-Rails-Setup/master/nginx.conf -o nginx.conf
  7. cp default.rails.site sites/SITE_PROJECT_NAME.site

Now edit that file you just copied over and edit the following:

  1. Change app_server (line 1) to SITE_PROJECT_NAME_server
  2. Change the path on line 2 to match your socket path
  3. Change server_name to reflect the domain name you expect to use
  4. Change the root path to match your project path
  5. Finally, change the proxy_pass (near the bottom) to reflect the change you made in the first step

3. Launch!

Alright! That wasn't too bad, now was it? Just a lot of coffee breaks waiting for things to compile/install.

Now the fun begins. From the 'www' user (sudo su - www)

  1. unicorn -c /home/www/sites/SITE_PROJECT_NAME/current/config/unicorn.rb -D
  2. now exit back out of user www
  3. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx start
  4. Direct your web browser to the IP/domain of your server.