
Example pipeline for GitLab-Twingate integration for accessing internal resources from GitLab CI

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Twingate Gitlab Pipeline CI/CD

The project provides an example of how to setup Twingate headless client in your Gitlab CI/CD Pipeline.


  1. Create Twingate service account key and assign resources to the service account based on your requirement
  2. Base64 encode the Twingate service account key. For example in Linux, execute the following command
    echo '{"version": "1",
      "network": "xxxxx.twingate.com",
      "service_account_id": "xxxxx",
      "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nxxxxx\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
      "key_id": "xxxxx",
      "expires_at": "xxxxx",
      "login_path": "/api/v2/headless_node/login"
    }' | base64 -w 0   
  3. Set the encoded service account key as Gitlab CI/CD variables
    • Go to Setting
    • CI/CD
    • Variables -> Expand
      • Value: encoded service account key
      • Type: Variable
      • Environment Scope: Based on your requirement
      • Protect Variable: recommend setting to true
      • Mask Variable: recommend setting to true
  4. Copy the sections before_script from .gitlab-ci.yml
  5. Confirm the valid response is returned by the resource in the CI/CD logs


If you are running your own Gitlab Runner, the privileged mode is required.