To install OverlayController using CocoaPods, please integrate it in your existing Podfile, or create a new Podfile:
platform :ios, '7.0'
target 'You Project' do
pod 'SnailPopupController', '~> 2.0.3'
Then run pod install.
#import "SnailPopupController.h"
- 增加视图弹出样式
// Controls how the popup will be presented.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, PopupTransitStyle) {
PopupTransitStyleSlightScale, // 轻微缩放效果
PopupTransitStyleShrinkInOut, // 从中心点扩大或收缩
PopupTransitStyleDefault // 默认淡入淡出效果
- 修改present接口,增加回弹动画等
- parameter contentView: 需要弹出的视图 // This is the view that you want to appear in popup.
- parameter duration: 动画时间
- parameter isElasticAnimated: 是否使用弹性动画
- parameter sView: 在sView上显示
- (void)presentContentView:(nullable UIView *)contentView
inView:(nullable UIView *)sView;
// Control mask view of style.
// 控制蒙版视图的样式
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, PopupMaskType) {
PopupMaskTypeBlackBlur = 0, // 黑色半透明模糊效果
PopupMaskTypeWhiteBlur, // 白色半透明模糊效果
PopupMaskTypeWhite, // 纯白色
PopupMaskTypeClear, // 全透明
PopupMaskTypeDefault, // 默认黑色半透明效果
// Control popup view display position.
// 控制弹出视图的显示位置
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, PopupLayoutType) {
PopupLayoutTypeTop = 0, // 在顶部显示
PopupLayoutTypeCenter // 默认居中显示
// Controls how the popup will be presented.
// 控制弹出视图将以哪种样式呈现
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, PopupTransitStyle) {
PopupTransitStyleFromTop = 0, // 从上部滑出
PopupTransitStyleFromBottom, // 从底部滑出
PopupTransitStyleFromLeft, // 从左部滑出
PopupTransitStyleFromRight, // 从右部滑出
PopupTransitStyleSlightScale, // 轻微缩放效果
PopupTransitStyleShrinkInOut, // 从中心点扩大或收缩
PopupTransitStyleDefault // 默认淡入淡出效果
- 属性设置
@property (nonatomic, assign) PopupMaskType maskType; // 设置蒙版样式,default = PopupMaskTypeDefault
@property (nonatomic, assign) PopupLayoutType layoutType; // 视图显示位置,default = PopupLayoutTypeCenter
// Must set layoutType = PopupLayoutTypeCenter
@property (nonatomic, assign) PopupTransitStyle transitStyle; // 视图呈现方式,default = PopupTransitStyleDefault
// Must set maskType = PopupMaskTypeTranslucent
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat maskAlpha; // 设置蒙版视图的透明度,default = 0.5
// Must set layoutType = PopupLayoutTypeCenter
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL dismissOppositeDirection; // 是否反方向消失,default = NO
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL dismissOnMaskTouched; // 点击蒙版视图是否响应dismiss事件,default = YES
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL allowPan; // 是否允许视图拖动,default = NO
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL dropTransitionAnimated; // 视图倾斜掉落动画,当transitStyle为PopupTransitStyleFromTop样式时可以设置为YES使用掉落动画,default = NO
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL isPresenting; // 视图是否正在显示中
- 相关事件block
// Block gets called when mask touched. 蒙版触摸事件block,主要用来自定义dismiss动画时间及弹性效果
@property (nonatomic, copy) void (^maskTouched)(SnailPopupController *popupController);
// Should implement this block before the presenting. 应该在present前实现的block
@property (nonatomic, copy) void (^willPresent)(SnailPopupController *popupController); // ContentView will present. 视图将要呈现
@property (nonatomic, copy) void (^didPresent)(SnailPopupController *popupController); // ContentView Did present. 视图已经呈现
@property (nonatomic, copy) void (^willDismiss)(SnailPopupController *popupController); // ContentView Will dismiss. 视图将要消失
@property (nonatomic, copy) void (^didDismiss)(SnailPopupController *popupController); // ContentView Did dismiss. 视图已经消失
- 弹出自定义视图方法等
- parameter contentView: 需要弹出的视图 // This is the view that you want to appear in popup.
- parameter duration: 动画时间
- parameter isElasticAnimated: 是否使用弹性动画
- parameter sView: 在sView上显示
- (void)presentContentView:(nullable UIView *)contentView
inView:(nullable UIView *)sView;
// inView = nil, 在Window显示
- (void)presentContentView:(nullable UIView *)contentView duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration elasticAnimated:(BOOL)isElasticAnimated;
- duration = 0.25
- isElasticAnimated = NO
- inView = nil, 在Window显示
- (void)presentContentView:(nullable UIView *)contentView;
- parameter duration: 动画时间
- parameter isElasticAnimated: 是否使用弹性动画
- (void)dismissWithDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration elasticAnimated:(BOOL)isElasticAnimated;
// - parameters等于present时对应设置的values
- (void)dismiss;
// Convenience method for creating popupController with custom values. 便利构造popupController并设置相应属性值
+ (instancetype)popupControllerWithLayoutType:(PopupLayoutType)layoutType
// When layoutType = PopupLayoutTypeCenter // 若弹出视图想居中显示时,可以使用这个方法快速设置
+ (instancetype)popupControllerLayoutInCenterWithTransitStyle:(PopupTransitStyle)transitStyle
- block 对应的代理方法
@protocol SnailPopupControllerDelegate <NSObject>
// - Block对应的Delegate方法,block优先
- (void)popupControllerWillPresent:(nonnull SnailPopupController *)popupController;
- (void)popupControllerDidPresent:(nonnull SnailPopupController *)popupController;
- (void)popupControllerWillDismiss:(nonnull SnailPopupController *)popupController;
- (void)popupControllerDidDismiss:(nonnull SnailPopupController *)popupController;
- 为需要使用SnailPopupController的类增加属性sl_popupController
@interface NSObject (SnailPopupController)
// 因为SnailPopupController内部子视图是默认添加在keyWindow上的,所以如果popupController是局部变量的话不会被任何引用,生命周期也只在这个方法内。为了使内部视图正常响应,所以应将popupController声明为全局属性,保证其生命周期,也可以直接使用sl_popupController
@property (nonatomic, strong) SnailPopupController *sl_popupController;
- 可以直接使用sl_popupController弹出视图
[self.sl_popupController presentContentView:customView];
- 自定义sl_popupController
self.sl_popupController = [[SnailPopupController alloc] init];
self.sl_popupController.layoutType = PopupLayoutTypeLeft;
self.sl_popupController.allowPan = YES;
// ...
[self.sl_popupController presentContentView:customView];
SnailPopupController is distributed under the MIT license.