
Unofficial extensions for developing FiveM Nui User Interfaces with Blazor WebAssembly

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An unofficial set of extensions for developing Nui interfaces with Blazor WASM in .NET 8


  • Attribute-based Nui Message handling
    • [NuiMessageHandler("showui:true")]
  • Service-based Nui Callback triggering
    • @inject INuiCallbackService
    • await NuiCallbackService.TriggerNuiCallbackAsync("getItemInfo", new { item = "phone" });
  • System.Text.Json for JSON Serialization & Deserialization

Getting started

  • For Nui Message handling, the NuiMessageListener must be injected as a root-component in index.html, and your component(s) must inherit NuiComponent

    • Add <template id="nui-message-listener"></template> to your index.html in the <body>
    • Add builder.RootComponents.Add<NuiMessageListener>("#nui-message-listener"); in your Program.cs
    • Add @inherits NuiComponent in your component/razor page
    • Add [NuiMessageHandler("<identifier>")] to any static or instanced method in your component
  • For triggering Nui Callbacks, NuiCallbackService must be added to your service collection

    • Add builder.Services.AddNuiServices(); in your Program.cs
    • Inject in your page with @inject INuiCallbackService NuiCallbackService


  • NuiMessageListener & NuiMessageHandler requires/uses a specific string field in the sending-message to determine which method to invoke
    • The field can be configured in builder.Services.AddNuiServices();
    • When NuiMessageListener receives an Nui message, it checks for [NuiMessageHandler] attributed methods with a matching identifier name in the received message
  • Currently, you may only have one NuiMessageListener per identifier-string
  • Configure the internal JsonSerializerOptions and the identifier-string in builder.Services.AddNuiServices();
builder.Services.AddNuiServices(options =>
    options.MessageHandlerIdentifierField = "id";

Example - NuiMessageHandler


RegisterCommand('ui', function()
  SendNUIMessage({ type = "blazor:show-ui"})

RegisterCommand('ui-increment', function()
  SendNUIMessage({ type = "blazor:increment" })

-- Assumes args[1] is an integer
RegisterCommand('ui-set', function(source, args, user)
    type = "blazor:set",
    count = tonumber(args[1])


@using CitizenFX.Extensions.Blazor.WebAssembly
@inherits NuiComponent

<div style="text-align: center; color: aquamarine">
@if (_showUi)
    <h1>I'm a Nui in Blazor!</h1>
    @if (_count >= 3)
        <h2>Count: @_count</h2>

@code {

    private bool _showUi = false;
    private int _count = 0;
    public async Task OnIncrement()
        Interlocked.Increment(ref _count);
        StateHasChanged(); // Tell Blazor to re-render the page

    public async Task SetCount(int count)
        Interlocked.Exchange(ref _count, count);
        StateHasChanged(); // Tell Blazor to re-render the page

    public void OnShowUi()
        _showUi = true;
        StateHasChanged(); // Tell Blazor to re-render the page

Example - NuiCallbackService


RegisterCommand('add-item', function() 
        type = "blazor:add-item",
        itemId = 69, 

RegisterNUICallback('addItemCallback', function(data, cb) 
        type = "blazor:callback"


@using CitizenFX.Extensions.Blazor.WebAssembly
@using CitizenFX.Extensions.Blazor.WebAssembly.Services
@inherits NuiComponent
@inject INuiCallbackService NuiCallbackService

<div style="text-align: center; color: aquamarine">
    <h1>I'm a Nui in Blazor!</h1>
    <h3>Last item added: @_lastItemAdded</h3>
    @if (_recievedFromCallback)
        <h3>Hello from our Nui callback!</h3>

@code {

    private bool _recievedFromCallback = false;
    private string _lastItemAdded = "None";
    public async Task AddItem(int itemId)
        _lastItemAdded = itemId.ToString();
        StateHasChanged(); // Tell Blazor to re-render the page
        await NuiCallbackService.TriggerNuiCallbackAsync("addItemCallback", new { itemId = itemId });
    public void FromCallback()
        _recievedFromCallback = true;
        StateHasChanged(); // Tell Blazor to re-render the page