- An app for Boilerplate
- Version 0.5.0
- Starting a project with React 15.4.2, Webpack 1, and subsequent relational dependencies
npm install
To Run the app with a single word command you should install a couple np's globally
npm install -g webpack nodemon
Then issue the command to webpack and monitor app directory for changes.
Or, run a Dev environment with webpack-dev-server instead of nodemon
npm run develop
for compiling a distribution folder which you can run from any web server.
upload the public folder to your Node server, wherever that may be, and have your server run server.js
node server.js
Add Aliases to the webpack.config.js file for making more components and sub-components and api directors
Currently uses foundation as the Boilerplate UI for components and prototyping. I strongly suggest designing your own look so your app isn't all foundation-esque, but it gives you a good place to start with semantic naming conventions.
- reanme the config/development.env-example to config/development.env
- reanme the config/test.env-example to config/test.env
- Setup a firebase account at https://firebase.google.com
- Create a firebase project for development data and a second for test data
- From each project overview click "Add Firebase to your web app" to get the config object {}
- Copy the values for each to the respective config/{}.env
- in each firebase project Database under rules tab set ".read" and ".write" to true (FOR NOW UNTIL AUTH IS ADDED)
- If you are using heroku setup the same Config Variables as shown in the examples API_KEY, AUTH_DOMAIN, ...etc
- In your NON-Test Project on Firebase under Authentication, SIGN-IN Method add your heroku domain to the OAuth redirect domains table
After following the setup and firebase steps above. The tests should pass with
npm test
Be Nice
- Repo owner or admin