- adnanobot
- aliir74Tehran
- ataalik
- bf777UBC, @ubyssey, @turing-club
- c-plus-cTsukuba, Japan
- christian-cahigPhilippines
- dwohlfahrt
- ellogram@LocationMind
- esafev@readymag, @pacific-sh
- H0R5EData Only Greater
- jeffThompsonAssociate Professor & Program Director, Visual Art & Technology, Stevens Institute of Technology
- JeremyBYURideWithGPS
- jkpierceUniversity of British Columbia
- johanhsu
- johnjhrJlabs
- jstaLos Alamos National Laboratory
- jwkvam@Google
- leeveronica
- littlexsparkee
- louis-ebuilding computers on wheels!
- m3talstormBristol, England
- manuamadorFrance
- marmakoideAlgokhod
- MrSohey
- Murplugg
- nkia-christoph@HMG-Software
- pronebirdLondon
- pupubird@sunwaytechclub
- rashiqHamburg, Germany
- sean-nlUniversity of Toronto / Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
- SteveAlexanderAmsterdam, NL
- Suyog7130The University of Tokyo
- tbuenger-zz
- theJonathanToth
- w121211
- zhyt1985Beijing, PR China