
Qwiic & MikroBUS connectors

Opened this issue · 5 comments

samuk commented

I was wondering if, on the next iteration of the board, you could squeeze in three additional connectors

  1. UEXT - Underrated IMHO Olimex produce some nice open hardware bits, notably LoRa modules with UEXT

  2. MikroBUS shuttle 2 x 8 header, this connects to daughter board and 1407 sensors/ peripherals

  3. Qwiic because it's small, and why not..

Seems like good suggestions, thanks!

samuk commented

If you were up for adding some extra connectors I wonder if it would be worth moving to the Nano ITX form factor? You could squeeze in a Pi header then. I realise you probably won't need it for an acorn use case, but it might make the board more appealing for a general robotics audience.

I tend to want as few constraints as possible unless there is a specific motivation. What would be the benefit of doing so?

samuk commented

The benefit for me is that I can design a robot base for the Nano ITX standoffs and use either the Beaglebone AI-64 or your board. Or use it in a printable case

I guess some people might also want to stack a AI-64 or a Jetson Xavier Nano ITX on top to do vision stuff on

I dunno if there's any benefit for you aside from perhaps a few more users. Same for Pi header too I suppose.

Bumping the Qwiic and Microbus header suggestion as it looks like your working on a new iteration

MikroBUS shuttle 2 x 8 header, this connects to daughter board and 1407 sensors/ peripherals

Qwiic because it's small, and why not..