Build sources for Twisted Rom Shamu and Hammerhead devices
- Official build environment as per Google and AOSP Android source page
- XDA user guides Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty LTS , Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic
- Arch Linux
(Assuming you have a valid build environment setup)
- mkdir aosp (or whatever you want to name the source folder)
- cd ~/aosp
- repo init -u -b m6.0-arm
- repo sync -jx -f (x being however many cpu jobs, you can also use -c to sync only the current branch specified by repo init)
- . build/
- lunch twisted_hammerhead-user
- lunch twisted_shamu-user
- mka otapackage
- cd ~/aosp
- repo sync -jx -f (x being however many cpu jobs, may also use -c as above)
- lunch and pick the right device (refer to above for choosing right device to build)
- mka dirty
- mka otapackage
- Google for AOSP
- Rascarlo and RastaPop
- Altaf-Mahdi and Euphoria-OS
- DariosF and Purity ROM
- Paranoid Android (AOSPA)
- CyanogenMod
- Dirty Unicorns
- LiquidSmooth
- SlimROMS
- Project D.I.S.C.O. Team
- PartimusPrime for bootanimations
- OmniROM
- Lichti1901 and Terminus
- Sykopompos
- Team Horizon and XenonHD
- Chet and OptiPop
- VanirAOSP
- PurifiedROM
- The-Ancile-Project
- AOD-Lollibeans
- Android Open Development
- Dhacker29
- beanstown106
- Ayysir
- BitSyko Development
- Others we may have missed