A command line utility to check what line endings are being used in files. Useful for enforcing consisten line endings across an entire project (such as an open source project with both windows and non-windows contributors).
npm install check-eol -g
inspects the line endings of every matching file and return a nonzero error code if any file has incorrect line endings, as well as printing out the paths of the non-compliant files.
You can specify as many file paths or globs as you wish. They will all be merged into a single unified file list before processing.
npx check-eol --eol lf "**/*"
npx check-eol --eol crlf "**/*.txt"
npx check-eol --eol platform "**/*.html" "**/*.css"
The type of line ending to enforce. If "platform"
is selected, then "crlf"
will be enforced on Windows, and "lf"
everywhere else.
Optional: yes
Default: "lf"
Options: "lf"
, "crlf"
, "platform"
#enforce lf line endings
npx check-eol --eol lf
The current working directory where relative paths are relative to
Optional: yes
Default: process.cwd()
npx check-eol --cwd "/usr/JohnSmith/projects/project1"
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