
An integration of fzf into suckless tabbed, to use it as a 'file picker', 'app picker' or whatever you want... For bspwm.

Primary LanguageShell


An integration of fzf into suckless tabbed, spawning fzf as a new tab, to use it as a 'file picker', 'app picker' or whatever you want... It is writed for an bspwm environment, with ranger rifle.

Install & run

Add this script to /usr/local/bin and use it like that: tabbed -r 2 -s st -w '' -e tabbed-fzf. You can also put the script anywhere else, and so use rather: tabbed -r 2 -s st -w '' -e bash -c '/path-to-this-script'. If you don't want to use st as a terminal to launch the script in tabbed, use another compatible terminal, cf. tabbed man page.


  • tabapp
  • rifle cf. ranger
  • bspwm
  • tabbed can be installed from the suckless site or from the AUR repository ; it is recommanded to install tabbed-git then. But if you want a patched tabbed : or your arrive to patch it succesfully (which is not my case), or you find a fortunate git hub repo implementing your wanted patches. There is plenty. Personnaly, I use only the hidetabs patch, from this repo. Just git clone, then, as root is something if wrong, make clean install as the read.me advise.

You coud probably replace rifle by something else, like xdg-open, and also rewrite the script to make it work outside bspwm.