
Fastfood WordPress theme

Primary LanguagePHP

<!DOCTYPE html>

				<li>version: 0.37</li>

		<h3>PROJECT PAGE :</h3>
				<li><a href="http://www.twobeers.net/annunci/tema-per-wordpress-fastfood" title="Fastfood theme page">http://www.twobeers.net/annunci/tema-per-wordpress-fastfood</a></li>

		<h3>AUTHOR PAGE :</h3>
				<li><a href="http://www.twobeers.net/" title="TwoBeers.net">http://www.twobeers.net/</a></li>

		<h3>LICENSE &amp; COPYRIGHT :</h3>
				<li>Copyright (C) 2010 TwoBeers</li>
				<li>Licensed under GPL (<a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html" title="GNU General Public License, version 2">http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html</a>)</li>
				<li>Unless otherwise specified, all images are original creations and licensed under GPL</li>
				<li>All brand images (images/follow/) are trademarks of their respective owners</li>

		<h3>REQUIREMENTS :</h3>
				<li>PHP 5+</li>
				<li>Wordpress 4.0+ (REQUIRED)</li>

				<li>TinyNav, Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Viljami Salminen, http://viljamis.com/
						<li>Source: <a href="https://github.com/viljamis/TinyNav.js">TinyNav GitHub Repository</a></li>
						<li>License: MIT</li>
						<li>License URI: /js/tinynav.js/README.md</li>
				<li>tinycarousel - v2.1.8 - Copyright (c) 2015 Maarten Baijs, http://baijs.com/
						<li>Source: <a href="https://github.com/wieringen/tinycarousel">tinycarousel GitHub Repository</a></li>
						<li>License: MIT</li>
				<li>Elusive-Icons Webfont, Copyright (c) Aristeides Stathopoulos, http://aristeides.com/
						<li>Source: <a href="https://github.com/aristath/elusive-iconfont">Elusive-Icons Webfont GitHub Repository</a></li>
						<li>Font License: SIL OFL 1.1</li>
						<li>License URI: <a href="https://github.com/aristath/elusive-iconfont#elusive-iconfont">https://github.com/aristath/elusive-iconfont#elusive-iconfont</a></li>

		<h3>THEME FEATURES :</h3>
				<li>Fixed width : your site will look the same for everyone regardless of screen resolution</li>
				<li>Two columns : to fill with your content that will be visible and accessible</li>
				<li>Widgets Support : use the widgets if you want to enrich the site</li>
				<li>Translation ready : Fastfood is ready to be translated into other languages (English and Italian are included)</li>
				<li>Up to 6 widgets areas : yes, it's true!you have up to 6 widgets areas for your extra content &amp; widgets</li>
				<li>Standard WordPress : fully compliant with the standards required by WordPress</li>
				<li>Gravatars Support : your gravatar follows you everywhere</li>
				<li>Quick navigation : all the more useful links always at your disposal</li>
				<li>Print preview : you want to print an article? look at the preview first!</li>
				<li>Custom header and background : change the look of your site header easily</li>
				<li>Theme options : enable or disable theme special features</li>
				<li>Cool animations : your site comes to life!</li>
				<li>Mobile support : Fastfood has a dedicated style for mobile view (touchscreen friendly)</li>
				<li>Custom widgets : A lot of new widgets (like "Social Links", "Popular Post", "Latest Activity", "Popular Categories" and many more) at your disposal</li>
				<li>Post formats: support for post formats ("aside", "gallery", "status", "quote")</li>
				<li>Floating comment form</li>
				<li>Custom Template "One column, no sidebar": a custom page template without sidebar</li>
				<li>Inline post expander: expand a post to show the full contents when the reader clicks the "Read more..." link</li>
				<li>Native support for some plugins:
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-pagenavi/">WP-PageNavi</a></li>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-commentnavi/">WP-CommentNavi</a></li>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-paginate/">WP-Paginate</a></li>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-multibyte-patch/">WP Multibyte Patch</a></li>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/breadcrumb-navxt/">Breadcrumb NavXT</a></li>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/breadcrumbs/">Yoast Breadcrumbs</a> ( also included as module in <a href="http://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/">WordPress SEO</a> )</li>
						<li><a href="https://github.com/TwoBeers/tb-chat-post">TB Chat Post</a></li>
						<li><a href="https://github.com/TwoBeers/tb-comment-tools">TB Comment Tools</a></li>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/jetpack/">Jetpack</a></li>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/plugins/bbpress/">bbPress</a></li>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress/">BuddyPress</a></li>

		<h3>TECHNICAL :</h3>
				<li>theme uses a custom "comment-reply.js" file, named "comment-reply.min.js" (YUI compressed)</li>
				<li>*.min.js files are the same as *.js, but uncommented and compressed</li>
				<li>if you experience any javascript problem, try disable animations in admin -&gt; theme options</li>
				<li>print_preview.css is a stylesheet file used to emulate a print preview.</li>
				<li>the theme detects the following mobile devices/browsers/os : ipod, iphone, android, opera mini, blackberry, palm, symbian and many other</li>
				<li>in order to use the new widgets, you need to activate them in admin -&gt; widgets </li>
				<li>the secondary menus (one on top of page and one above the footer widget area) are optionals and must be enabled in appearance -&gt; menu. They support only one level of hierarchy</li>

		<h3>CHANGE LOG :</h3>

		<h4 class="changelog-version">0.37</h4>

						<li>Yoast Breadcrumbs support</li>
						<li>header slider (timing,responsive,etc..)</li>
						<li>"Font Resize" widget generating error in customizer</li>
						<li>mobile detection</li>

						<li>fully compatible with customizer</li>
						<li>Elusive-Icons Webfont</li>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/plugins/bbpress/">bbPress</a> support</li>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress/">BuddyPress</a> support</li>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-commentnavi/">WP-CommentNavi</a> support</li>
						<li>Instagram added to Follow Me services</li>
						<li>ajax comments navigation</li>
						<li>sticky menu</li>
						<li>layout customization ( body width, sidebar width & position)</li>
						<li>widgets span</li>
						<li>"error 404" widget area</li>
						<li>(Partial) PHPDoc documentation</li>
						<li>hidden widget area</li>
						<li>"Custom Menu (enhanced)" widget - replaces the default "Custom Menu" widget</li>

						<li>RSS icon on header. you can use the "follow me" widget instead</li>
						<li>"Share This" widget</li>
						<li>"Like" badges</li>
						<li>audio player (WP3.6+ has its one)</li>
						<li>"Ubuntu One" service from "follow me" widget (discontinued)</li>
						<li>"cork" background</li>
						<li>dropped any support for IE7 and below</li>
						<li>custom header and custom background pages. use the customizer instead</li>
						<li>theme options page</li>

						<li>code really heavily cleaned</li>
						<li>Follow Me services are now filterable</li>
						<li>gallery captions animation</li>
						<li>the layout now fits a more consistent <a target="_blank" href="http://www.gridsystemgenerator.com/gs01.php?GridWidth=980&GridColumns=20&GridMarginLeft=10&GridMarginRight=10">grid system</a></li>
						<li>new look for theme options</li>

				<li>Upgrade Notes
						<li>If you created a child-theme based on Fastfood, it probably will not work, because of the many changes we have made to our theme. Sorry</li>
						<li>WordPress 4.0+ <strong>REQUIRED</strong></li>


		<h4 class="changelog-version">0.36</h4>
						<li>random reordering for header image slider</li>
						<li>Orkut, Tumblr, Blurb, Scribd, SlideShare, SoundCloud, Ubuntu One, LiveJournal, Pengyou and Renren added to "Follow me" widgets</li>
						<li>e-mail, LinkedIn, Orkut and Tumblr added to "Share this" widget</li>
						<li>"quote" format support</li>
						<li>option to hide posts/pages titles in single view</li>
						<li>option to enable/disable responsive layout</li>
						<li>filter to add/customize theme options</li>
						<li>filter to override saved theme options</li>
						<li>site title background</li>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/breadcrumbs/">Yoast Breadcrumbs</a> native support</li>
						<li><a href="https://github.com/TwoBeers/tb-chat-post">TB Chat Post</a> native support</li>
						<li><a href="https://github.com/TwoBeers/tb-comment-tools">TB Comment Tools</a> native support</li>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/jetpack/">Jetpack</a> features support (Infinite Scroll, Carousel, Likes)</li>
						<li><a href="https://github.com/zamoose/themehookalliance">The Hook Alliance</a> support</li>
						<li><a href="https://github.com/viljamis/TinyNav.js">TinyNav</a> navigation for small screens</li>
						<li>new background "Graphite"</li>
						<li>"options page" style integration with <a href="http://wordpress.org/plugins/mp6/">MP6</a></li>
						<li>"Coming Soon" template</li>
						<li>weird animations in Opera browser</li>
						<li>empty titles fatal error</li>
						<li>Iconsweet2 icon replaced by GPL compatible icons</li>
						<li>next/previous post(s) icons orientation</li>
						<li>nonce check to delete header images</li>
						<li>header slider loading delay if too many images</li>
						<li>in static front page, removed extra info</li>
						<li>javascript optimized</li>
						<li>mobile subtheme reloaded</li>
						<li>code heavily cleaned</li>
						<li>Theme hooks added / renamed / deleted</li>
						<li>removed compatibility with versions of WordPress prior to 3.4</li>
						<li>removed gallery editor. WP3.5 has the same built-in feature.</li>
						<li>removed "share this content" option. Now is available ONLY as a widget</li>
						<li>removed "images informations" option. Now is available ONLY as a widget</li>
						<li>removed "custom adminbar style" option</li>
						<li>removed some headers/background images (you still can find them <a href="http://themes.trac.wordpress.org/browser/fastfood/">here</a>)</li>
						<li>goodbye rounded corners</li>

		<h4 class="changelog-version">0.33</h4>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/breadcrumb-navxt/" rel="nofollow">Breadcrumb NavXT</a> native support</li>
						<li>simple javascript-based font resizer</li>
						<li>"quote selected text" function</li>
						<li>filter for adding/customizing theme options</li>
						<li>YFrog added to the "Follow me" widget</li>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-multibyte-patch/" rel="nofollow">WP Multibyte Patch</a> excerpt length support (thanks to gdgd_hirahira)</li>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-paginate/" rel="nofollow">WP-Paginate</a> native support</li>
						<li>now uses the WP jquery-effects-core script</li>
						<li>in static extra info, was displaing "1" instead of post author infos</li>
						<li>PHP version removed for security reasons</li>
						<li>wp_title() now uses filter</li>
						<li>the_title filter warnings</li>
						<li>minor fixes in code and style</li>

		<h4 class="changelog-version">0.32.2</h4>
						<li>mobile detection</li>
						<li>WP3.4 - some "Deprecated function" notices</li>

		<h4 class="changelog-version">0.32.1</h4>
						<li>simple gallery editor</li>
						<li>option for hiding main menu</li>
						<li>new look for options page</li>
						<li>mobile view customizable using widgets</li>
						<li>Pinterest added to "I like it" buttons and to the "Follow me" widget</li>
						<li>Delicious added to share links</li>
						<li>"back to defaults" link for resetting the theme options</li>
						<li>custom length for posts excerpt</li>
						<li>custom css code in theme options</li>
						<li>custom "more" tag and "excerpt more" string</li>
						<li>custom text for blank titles</li>
						<li>audio player</li>
						<li>header images slider</li>
						<li>"mini login" form behaviour</li>
						<li>Orkut and Buzz removed from share links and from the "Follow me" widget</li>
						<li>minor fixes in code and style</li>
						<li>IE6 support no more maintained</li>

		<h4 class="changelog-version">0.30</h4>
						<li>Google +1 and Xing added to "Social Links" widget</li>
						<li>javascripts grouped</li>
						<li>new look for theme options page, and a lot of new options</li>
						<li>"like" badges (Google +1, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon)</li>
						<li>Thickbox for images/galleries</li>
						<li>fixed bars (quickbar, navigation and status) fully customizable (via theme options)</li>
						<li>title and content (in indexes) can be selected for each supported post format</li>
						<li>new widget area, after the post content</li>
						<li><a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-pagenavi/" rel="nofollow">WP-pagenavi</a> native support</li>
						<li>breadcrumb navigation</li>
						<li>Wordpress 3.3 compatibility</li>
						<li>links in navigation bar</li>
						<li>fallback file for non-supported post formats</li>
						<li>style for status/aside posts with float images inside</li>
						<li>Odnoklassniki icon</li>
						<li>post info rollover not working in Safari and Chrome</li>
						<li>"Follow me" widget links and "Recent Comment Authors" widget links now open in new tab/window</li>

		<h4 class="changelog-version">0.28.2</h4>
						<li>Options for post/page details management</li>
						<li>Qzone, WindowsLive, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte services added to "Social Links" widget</li>
						<li>links in navigation bar</li>
						<li>gallery preview + custom permalinks</li>
						<li>EXIF informations for attachments (can be disabled via options)</li>
						<li>small bug in multipages menu dropdown</li>

		<h4 class="changelog-version">0.27</h4>
						<li>floating comment form is now draggable</li>
						<li>child theme friendly</li>
						<li>custom template "One column, no sidebar"</li>
						<li>option for showing content or excerpt in posts overview</li>
						<li>inline post expander</li>
						<li>gallery preview on fly</li>
						<li>2 custom widgets ( "Besides...", "Recent Posts in Category" )</li>
						<li>"status" format support</li>
						<li>page 404 can be enriched with some useful widgets</li>
						<li>new 5 cool header images</li>
						<li>customizable links color</li>
						<li>customizable header height</li>
						<li>share links on posts/pages</li>
						<li>Weibo (aka Sine) and Tencent services added to "Social Links" widget</li>
						<li>new custom background page (now with the position-x missing option)</li>
						<li>option for disabling the navigation bar</li>
						<li>"mobile support" option now is deactivable</li>
						<li>page hierarchy</li>
						<li>minor changes in style</li>
						<li>heavy changes in mobile support</li>
						<li>excerpt in quickbar</li>
						<li>increased compatibility with IE6</li>
						<li>title in "Social Links" widget</li>

		<h4 class="changelog-version">0.21</h4>
						<li>Post formats support ("aside", "gallery") (can be disabled/enabled in theme option)</li>
						<li>Two new widgets ("Social Links" and "Popular Categories")</li>
						<li>More integrated style for wp admin bar (can be disabled/enabled in theme option)</li>
						<li>Two new menus, one on top of page and one above the footer widget area</li>
						<li>"rtl" language support</li>
						<li>New contact methods in user profile (Twitter, Facebook)</li>
						<li>New header image ("orange stripes")</li>
						<li>Linked header image (can be disabled/enabled in theme option)</li>
						<li>"today is" issue (thanks gdgd_hirahira)</li>
						<li>Increased compatibility with multi-byte environments</li>
						<li>Increased compatibility with WP admin bar</li>
						<li>Theme functions, variables, options, etc. prefixed with theme-slug (WP require)</li>

		<h4 class="changelog-version">0.20.2</h4>
						<li>Images width</li>
						<li>Clearing floats</li>
						<li>Compatibility issues with WordPress 3.1</li>

		<h4 class="changelog-version">0.20</h4>
						<li>Mobile dedicated style (touchscreen friendly)</li>
						<li>editor-style support</li>
						<li>Paginated comments</li>
						<li>Three new widgets ("Popular Post", "Last Activity" and "Latest comment authors")</li>
						<li>Option for disable/enable mini login form in quickbar</li>
						<li>New header image ("abstract")</li>
						<li>Removed useless "trackback" label after comments list</li>
						<li>Position of floating comment form (when sidebar is showed)</li>
						<li>Automatically disable mini login form in quickbar if siCaptcha Plugin is installed</li>
						<li>"Leave a comment" link error when custom comment form is not active</li>
						<li>Comments on closed posts/pages</li>
						<li>Full translation ready</li>
						<li>Some minor graphical and coding issues</li>

		<h4 class="changelog-version">0.16</h4>
						<li>New powerful core engine</li>
						<li>A lot of options</li>
						<li>Floating comment form can now be disabled (via options)</li>
						<li>Custom background</li>
						<li>Widget area under main menu</li>
						<li>Highlight current page in menu</li>
						<li>Sidebar on pages/articles (via options)</li>
						<li>jQuery powered (instead of MooTools)</li>
						<li>Custom admin panel appearance</li>
						<li>Quickbar tools. Add your tools to the quickbar (need basic html and php coding skills)</li>
						<li>Main menu correctly sorted: sorted as you sort it</li>
						<li>Images grouped: the theme loads faster</li>
						<li>Custom header: you don't need to delete your site title anymore. Just unset it in Appearance-&gt;Header panel</li>
						<li>Links to Wordpress admin even in non standard installations</li>
						<li>Previous/Next page links now follow the menu ordered sequence</li>
						<li>No more trackbacks in recent comments (useless)</li>
						<li>Minimum width 960px (from 1024px), for small devices</li>
						<li>Some javascript bugs</li>
						<li>Some graphical bugs</li>

		<h4 class="changelog-version">0.14</h4>
				<li>(first release)</li>

		<h3>SUPPORT :</h3>
			TwoBeers.net's authors reserve themself to give support only to those users who recognize TwoBeers work, keeping TwoBeers.net credits visible on their site.
			<strong>Donations (though really appreciated) <u>do not ensure</u> any kind of support.</strong>
				<li>for any question/problem contact us at
						<li><a href="http://www.twobeers.net/annunci/tema-per-wordpress-fastfood" title="Fastfood theme page">http://www.twobeers.net/annunci/tema-per-wordpress-fastfood</a></li>
						<li><a href="https://github.com/TwoBeers/fastfood/issues" title="Fastfood Issues Report">https://github.com/TwoBeers/fastfood/issues</a></li>
				<li>code repository
						<li><a href="https://github.com/TwoBeers/fastfood" title="Fastfood on Github">https://github.com/TwoBeers/fastfood</a></li>

		<h3>CREDITS :</h3>
			Everyone who helped us with bug reports, suggestions and translations. Thanks!
