- akshayknarayan
- alreadydoneHeidelberg / Shenzhen
- anfelorEdinburgh, UK
- arademakerIBM Research and EMAp/FGV
- barrettotteSoftware Engineer
- beike-zh
- bl00dy1837
- bryangingechen
- DanilaFeHewlett Packard Enterprise
- diegov
- drehakRed Hat
- emiflakeLiqwid Labs
- frankymacster
- gebnerMicrosoft Research
- huynhtrankhanh@coq-community
- io12
- javra
- jjaassoonnImperial College London
- jsoo1Santa Ana, CA
- JulianNew York, NY
- lcw
- Madjosz
- meithecatte@InvisibleThingsLab
- Michcioperz@google
- nedimmuminovic
- omasanoriJapan
- pedrotstType Theory Forall
- ralseiIndiana University Bloomington
- ramonfmirLondon
- robertylewisBrown University
- SnobbyDragon
- sorawee
- stanescuUWUniversity of Wyoming
- Tyruiop
- utensil
- yurrriq@sportradar