Loans are an extremely powerful financial instrument; they have the potential to create opportunities and foster growth. To learn more about loans and what influence them, we have provided you with a csv file called data.csv that contains information about loans such as their interest rate, purpose, length, grade, and amount in a comma seperated format as shown below.
Your challenge will be as follows:
Make a copy of this repository on your own personal github account (you can fork or download it).
Write a python script which loads the dataset, parses the information, and uses it to calculate the average interest rates for each of the listed purposes.
Plot the results onto a graph.
The output of your script should be similar to the results shown below.
Simple script written using Python 3.5 to parse through a csv and calculate the average interest rate of a loan based on loan purpose.
virtualenv -p python3 <name of virtual environment>
source <name of virtual environment>/bin/activate
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- Pandas
pip install -r requirements.txt
With data.csv in the same directory, run the following command