
A Rasa (www.rasa.com) Chatbot for Instill Distilling

Primary LanguagePython

Instill Bot

Publish Docker

A chatbot/voice integration for Instill Distilling.

Runs off of Rasa

Local Deployment

For local deployment I recommend just using Rasa Open Source

You can install this via pip3 install rasa (Recommended in a venv)

You will also need to install the pre-reqs with pip3 install requirements-dev.txt and pip3 install requirements.txt

  1. Train the model - rasa train
  2. Bring up action server - rasa run actions --actions actions
  3. Then talk to it/test it via the CLI with - rasa shell

You can find more information at Rasa Open Source Install for instructions to install and setup Rasa locally.

Action Server

This assistant does require the action server to be running. More information on what this is can be found at Rasa Action Server

If running locally you would need to run rasa run actions --actions before starting the assistant with the above Local Deployment instructions.

Server Deployment

You can deploy on Gcloud Compute or AWS Ec2 for a good starting point. Once you have your Ubuntu based OS/compute running the easiest process to follow is Rasa X Quick Install

After you follow this you can Enable SSL as well using Let's Encrypt or your own certs.