
Issue tracker microservice project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Issue tracker microservice

I created this app as a requirement for my freeCodeCamp Information Security and Quality Assurance Certification, using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Chai, and Helmet. The front end API tests on the home page also use Bootstrap, jQuery, and highlight.js.

You can read the functional tests I wrote on GitHub or Glitch. To run the tests yourself, create a MongoDB database, fork/remix this project, create a .env file with DB="{your MongoDB URI}" and NODE_ENV="test", start the server, and look at the server console logs.

This project fulfills the following user stories:

  1. Prevent cross site scripting(XSS attack).
  2. I can POST /api/issues/{projectname} with form data containing required issue_title, issue_text, created_by, and optional assigned_to and status_text.
  3. The object saved (and returned) will include all of those fields (blank for optional no input) and also include created_on (date/time), updated_on (date/time), open (boolean, true for open, false for closed), and _id.
  4. I can PUT /api/issues/{projectname} with a _id and any fields in the object with a value to object said object. Returned will be "successfully updated" or "could not update " + _id. This should always update updated_on. If no fields are sent return "no updated field sent".
  5. I can DELETE /api/issues/{projectname} with a _id to completely delete an issue. If no _id is sent return "_id error", success: "deleted " + _id, failed: "could not delete " + _id.
  6. I can GET /api/issues/{projectname} for an array of all issues on that specific project with all the information for each issue as was returned when posted.
  7. I can filter my get request by also passing along any field and value in the query (e.g., /api/issues/{project}?open=false). I can pass along as many fields/values as I want.
  8. All 11 functional tests are complete and passing.