Data Structures

by Tyler Pottle


This project is a representation of various data structures implemented in Ruby.

Linked List

The linked_list.rb file contains my version of a linked list written in ruby. I created a list class, which is initialized with one node object, but more node objects can be added. A node object simply holds a value and a reference to the next node object in the linked list. I also included methods to remove a node from the list, search for a specific node by value, and also a to_s method to return a string comprised of all the values of nodes in the linked list, separated by a comma.

My sources to write this linked list program were as follows:

This article on linked lists in Ruby

The Wikipedia entry for linked lists

The CS50 video on single linked lists


The queue.rb file contains my implementation of a queue written in ruby. The queue is basically a doubly linked list with pointers for either endpoint, which I called head and tail respectively. The queue class includes an enqueue method to add a new node to the head of the queue, a dequeue method to remove the tail element of the queue, and a size method to return how many nodes are in the queue.

Binary Tree

The binary_tree.rb is my implementation of a binary tree in ruby. The binary tree is a recursive data structure where an initial binary tree object can be created, and then new binary trees can be added to the left or right, creating a tree of binary trees. The binary tree includes push_left and push_right methods to add values to the left or right of the tree respectively, and three different methods of traversal; pre-order, in-order, and post-order. See this wikipedia page for a good explanation of the three different methods of traversal.