
DMACC/Webucator Final Project

Primary LanguagePHP

Sandy's Pet Shop -- DMACC Certificate Final Project

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How this is built

Web development certificate final project. Recieved a 97%. Was given a mock customer with specific needs. Had to come up with the design and function on my own. Built on a Bootstrap framework, using HTML5, CSS, PHP, SQL, jQuery. The most intricate portion was an appointment request organizer that connects to a SQL database using PHP. Customers would enter appointment requests on the main site and the owner would connect to an admin page to edit or delete requests.

👍 Thanks for checking out my work on GitHub! For more about me find me on Twitter @TyeDev or vist my personal website TyeCampbell.com.

Final Project Exercise Description

Brief Client Description

Sandy's Pet Shop has just hired you as a Web Applications Developer to create a website for them. Their primary purpose of the website is to provide information to the local community on their services, hours of operation and location. Sandy also wants her customers to be able to contact her through the website using a simple form, as well as the ability to sign up for grooming services.

The graphics, logos and database have already been created for you. Download the project files to get started. If you prefer, you may create your own graphics and logos. You MUST use the database we provide.

You will be using all of the skills and technologies that you learned in your self-paced courses to build this site from the ground up.

Keep in mind that Sandy's Pet Shop is really just fictional. That means that it can be located in your town or city. That also means that you can have creative license to make the site fun. Maybe you and all your friends work at the Pet shop. Maybe you want to include pictures of your pet. The important part is to show off your skills as a web applications developer, but also to have fun doing it!


Your site must either use jQuery Mobile or be responsive to users using a mobile and/or tablet device. Run the pet-shop.sql file in your PHPMyAdmin to create the ''pet_shop'' database, which has the ''grooming'' table where you will store your grooming appointments.

Your homepage file name should be called "index.php"'

The site should have a header, body and footer. Use the HTML5 header and footer elements. Be sure to use PHP includes to include your header and footer throughout your pages. In the header, include a navigation bar to the main pages:

  • About Us
  • Store Location
  • Grooming

In the header, also include a link to "Contact Us". This link opens up a page with a contact form. The contact form should be submitted using Ajax. The fields should be validated prior to submission to the PHP script with JavaScript. The PHP script will create a new email that is sent to the shop owner (yourself for now). The contact us form should have the following input fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Message

The footer should include hours of operation and link to other local services that Sandy's customer's would [ ] e interested in, such as veterinaries and kennels.

This site will also include a simple backend (or admin) interface to view grooming form submissions, such [ ] hat you can manage the submissions by clients. On the admin page (located at /admin), you will list each [ ] rooming request, with a link to edit and delete existing grooming requests. You will need to create the [ ] ecessary HTML and PHP code to handle each form submission:

  • Create new grooming service requests
  • Edit/Update submitted grooming service requests
  • Delete submitted grooming service requests if they have been cancelled.
  • All links to other pages on the site, to images, and to stylesheets should use relative paths.
  • The site can optionally use jQuery for performing the Ajax operations.
  • The site should fit cleanly for most modern desktop browser sizes.
  • The main pages should include some content, such as:

The About Us page should include a list of the staff that work as Sandy's Pet Shop. The Store Location page should include directions to the store and the hours of operation. You might also include a Google map with an indicator to the pet shop.

The Grooming page will include information on the pet grooming services and will have a form for Sandy's customers to sign up for a pet grooming appointment. The data for the grooming form is stored in the MySQL database table named "grooming" (the database itself will be named "pet_shop" when you run the SQL script included in the class files to create the database). Be sure to validate the form submission with JavaScript. The form should include the following fields:

  • First Name (required)
  • Last Name (required)
  • Address (required)
  • City (required)
  • State (required)
  • Zip code (required)
  • Phone Number (required)
  • Email Address (optional)
  • Type of Pet. If dog is selected, a second select list should show up with a list of Breeds. (required)
  • Pet's Name (required)
  • Checkbox for neutered/spayed (optional)
  • Pet's age (optional)


Your grade will be calculated based on the following categories, with the amount that each category contributes to your overall grade:

HTML: 30% Valid: 5% Links work and use relative paths when possible: 5% Forms are structured correctly: 5% No deprecated tags and attributes: 5% Structured intelligently: 5% All required content included: 5% CSS: 20% Used for layout as well as formatting: 10% Valid: 5% Design works in different window dimensions: 5% JavaScript: 25% Form validation on Contact Form: 10% Contact Form submitted using Ajax: 5% Form validation on Grooming Appointment: 10% PHP and SQL: 25% Header and Footer includes used appropriately 5% Contact Form submission works: 5% Email generated by contact form: 5% Grooming form submission works: 5% Admin page works works appropriately: 5%


This project is meant for you to use your own skills and knowledge. This means that we expect the work to be your own work. We also expect that you will want to look some stuff up. Please feel free to use your course textbook and the course content to help you along. You may also use the Internet as a source of help, especially for looking up documentation and errors.

Note that the instructor is not a resource during this project. The purpose of the project is to evaluate how well you can do without access to the instructor.