Client Side Routing w/ React Router v. 4


  • React Router
  • Passing Route Parameters


  • Fork this repository, then clone your fork.
  • Run yarn or npm install to download dependencies.
  • Run the server using yarn start, npm start or node server.js.
  • In a separate terminal cd into the client folder and run yarn or npm install to download dependencies.
  • Still inside the client folder run yarn start or npm start to run the client application.
  • Inside /client/src/index.js add two routes.
    • one route for / that loads the MovieList component.
    • one route that will take an id parameter after/movies/ (ex: /movies/2, /movies/3 where the id is dynamic). This route should load the Movie component.
  • When a user clicks on a movie card they should be taken to /movies/id of movie here to see the details for the selected movie.
  • Add a link back to the home page from the Movie component inside /client/src/Movies/Movie.js.
  • Modify line 12 on the Movie component to read the id from the URL.