
A lyric scraping bot and data analyzer.

Command line commands

Command Argument Description
Default Genrename Prints the most important words for the genre.
genres (optional) String Prints all available genres, if provided with a string prints only genres containing the string.
genresongs (optional) String Prints all available genres and the number of songs and albums in the dataset, if provided with a string prints only genres containing the string.
word String Prints the genres for which the word is the most important.
similarity Genrename1 : Genrename2 Prints the similarity of two genres.
getsimilar Genrename Prints the most similar genres to the genre.
texttfidf Textfile Name Prints the most important words for the text from the textfile.
text Textfile Name Prints the most similar genres to the text from the textfile.

Command line arguments

Argument Description
-a (int) Amount of printed results from the command.
-minalbums (int) Ignores genres from the dataset with less than the chosen amount of albums.
-minsongs (int) Ignores genres from the dataset with less than the chosen amount of songs.
-nodetail Commands don't show additional details - for example tfidf values.
-space (int) Amount of spaces between columns for the commands genres and genresongs.
-columns (int) Amount of columns per line for the commands genres and genresongs.


dart analyzer.dart Death Metal : Prints the most important words for Death Metal.

dart analyzer.dart genresongs -spaces 40 -columns 5 : Shows all genres split into 5 columns, divided by 40 spaces.

dart analyzer.dart genresongs Metal -minalbums 10 : Shows all genres containing the word metal with more than 10 albums.

dart analyzer.dart getsimilar Doom Metal -a 20 : Prints the 20 most similar genres to Doom Metal.

dart analyzer.dart text text.txt : Prints the most similar genres to the text from the textfile text.txt.