
Calculate stream time and compare to HLTB average times

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Program to calculate stream times and compare those times to HowLongToBeats average main story clear time
Currently works only on unix systems as it uses shlex. "The shlex module is only designed for Unix shells." shlex documentation

Files names in 'finished' directory are game ids that Twitch uses.
Files that only have minutes in them could be inaccurate as i haven't had the time to go through all of them individually, but rather just used a script to gather them in one file.
Data used in these files was gotten from sullygnome. Big thanks to who runs that site, has been massive help on this and other projects.

To use this you will also need a database which contains Twitch game data, which isn't provided in this repository
I have it named just game_ids.db which uses Sqlite3