
Monitoring and record(save) of data for Arduino and STM32

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Docker License
Build Status License: MIT

The SVisual software is designed to monitor the operation of the MK devices, debug the program, alert the user to the events that have occurred.


  • connection to the MK via COM port (usb for arduino), over Ethernet or Wi-Fi protocol TCP;

  • Interrogation of values of signals in real time with frequency before 100 Hz (default 10 Hz), the number of devices and signals is selected by the user;

  • the permissible number of signals for recording 2048;

  • output of the values of the selected signals to the monitor screen in real time;

  • record the archive of signals to the PC hard disk;

  • viewing the archive using additional SVViewer software;

  • ability to set alerts for an event (triggers) that have occurred, start a custom process when the trigger is triggered;

  • adding a signal for viewing / recording only by the client, no additional movements are required

  • export data to xlsx, json or txt

  • client UART+DMA for stm32f1 https://github.com/burrbull/svisual-stm32f1

  • docker image https://hub.docker.com/r/tyiler/svdocker

  • viewing in a web browser

  • Zabbix agent supported

  • Save into ClickHouseDb supported




Arduino example

#include <SVClient.h>
void setup() {

  bool ok = svisual::connectOfCOM("test");

int cnt = 0;
void loop() {

  svisual::addIntValue("dfv", cnt);

  if (cnt > 10) cnt = 0;

  bool odd_cnt = cnt % 2;

  svisual::addBoolValue("bFW", odd_cnt);

  svisual::addBoolValue("bBW", !odd_cnt);


As a result

Use in Linux

Should be installed:

  • qt
  • sqlite: sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev
  • libuv: sudo apt install libuv1-dev
  • clickhouse-cpp

Aux dependences here:

  • lua53
  • qtXlsxWriter

Build from QtCreator:

Build with cmake:

cd src
rm -rf build  
mkdir build  
cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" && cmake --build build --parallel  


Licensed under an [MIT-2.0]-license.