MDCB setup guide

0. Prequisites

Note -> These instructions are run on Linux. (AWS Linux 2)

Run these to install Docker, Docker-Compose & Git

sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install git -y
sudo yum install -y docker
sudo service docker start
sudo usermod -aG docker ec2-user ## If needed, on EC2
sudo su
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose
docker ps

1. Setting up prerequisites for Tyk pro and Tyk MDCB

A) Clone repo

git clone
cd tyk-pro-mdcb-docker-demo/mdcb

B) In the mdcb directory, create file named ".env". We will load our env variables here to be used by docker-compose. The contents of the file:


2. Run Stack

docker-compose up -d

3. Bootstrap the install

Log on to the Dashboard via http://<your-host>:3000

4. Enable Hybrid on Master DC

Export the defaults

export DASH_ADMIN_SECRET=12345
export DASH_URL=localhost:3000

Export your Dashboard's ORG ID You can find your organisation id in the Dashboard, under your user account details.


Download Org object

curl $DASH_URL/admin/organisations/$ORG_ID -H "Admin-Auth: $DASH_ADMIN_SECRET" | python -mjson.tool > myorg.json

Edit myorg.json to add this bit (replace existing ones")

"hybrid_enabled": true,
"event_options": {
    "key_event": {
        "redis": true
    "hashed_key_event": {
        "redis": true

Update org with new settings

curl -X PUT $DASH_URL/admin/organisations/$ORG_ID -H "Admin-Auth: $DASH_ADMIN_SECRET" -d @myorg.json


{"Status":"OK","Message":"Org updated","Meta":null}

5. Run tyk slave gw

This can be local DC or remote DC. If remote DC, clone the repo again on the new DC.

A) go to worker folder

cd ../worker

B) Add these to tyk_worker.conf

  • RPC key (org ID) to slave_options.rpc_key
  • API key (user API key) slave_options.api_key
  • connection_string without protocol (of VM) plus port 9090 to slave_options.connection_string, ie or host.docker.internal:9090
  • Add a unique group_id to describe this worker cluster. These must be unique for each Location/Data Center

C) run

docker-compose up -d