
Tyler's Text Comparison Tool for finding all unique terms that appear in a given directory, but not another.

Primary LanguageC#


TTCT is Tyler's Text Comparison Tool. It's used to find all the unique words that appear in the input file/folder but do not appear in the comparison file/folder.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


.NET Core 2.1


$ pwd

$ git clone https://github.com/Tyler-Barham/TTCT.git
$ dotnet build

Example Usage

$ pwd

$ dotnet TTCT.dll --help
$ dotnet TTCT.dll if=~/Downloads cf=../../myFolder
$ dotnet TTCT.dll if=./myFolder cf=./myFolder/subFolder --use-stemmer


Unit tests are written in MSTest.

$ pwd

$ dotnet build
$ dotnet test

Code coverage

Testing with code coverage is done through the coverlet NuGet package and only requires an additional flag to the regular test command.

$ pwd

$ dotnet build
$ dotnet test /p:CollectCoverage=true

// A snipet from the output
| Module | Line   | Branch | Method |
| TTCT   | 28%    | 7.7%   | 41.3%  |