
Nginx reverse proxy for an OCI ATP Database

Reverse Proxy for OCI ATP


When Oracle first announced all of the free-tier resources they offer I immediately jumped on the offer. Thankfully, Dimitri Gielis had already started on his AMAZING Best and Cheapest Oracle APEX hosting: Free Oracle Cloud blog post series. While I don't use things like APEX Office Print - his guides on using a compute instance as a nginx reverse proxy were super helpful.

Now that I've configured an OKE cluster (on ARM for free!) and use an OCI Load Balancer to route my OCI traffic - I wanted to move the simple Nginx reverse proxy into Kubernetes. This repo is quite simple and creates a nginx service with a custom config file. I also use Traefik, so it creates a Traefik IngressRoute for my subdomain.

How to use

You need to create a config map that the deployment uses.

kubectl create configmap atp-reverse-proxy-nginx-conf --from-file=./nginx.conf

Next you will deploy the application. We will use the official nginx image published on docker hub - specifically the stable-alpine tag.

kubectl apply -f deployment/app.yaml

Finally you will create a Traefik IngressRoute to route the traffic to your pod. Check the match criteria in the deployment/ingress-route.yaml file - I use apex.trangelier.dev but you should change it to your domain. You also need to make any DNS & Load Balancer changes in OCI (or your LB) to accept traffic on the specificed domain.

kubectl apply -f deployment/ingress-route.yaml