- Standard compliant React Native App Utilizing Ignite
Tired of wondering where your money went? Wonder no more! Budget Sumthing is a "down to earth" budgeting application to help you get your shit on track. Download the app, enter some expenses, and let the app do the math... because math is hard.
Budget Overview: This is your home screen. This screen will display a categorized (optional) list of all your current expenses and your available balance. You can edit an expense by tapping on the expense name. hint: you can edit your starting balance by tapping on the "Starting Balance" text at the top of the screen.
Settings: Enter the "Settings" screen by opening the menu (tap the top left menu icon) and tapping the "Settings" text. Here you can enter a name for us to refer you by, as well as add or edit your starting balance. A starting balance is recommended to get the most out of Budget Sumthing
Expense Categories: This is where you will manage your expense categories. The initial screen will show you an overview of your existing categories. You can tap on each category name to edit that category, or tap on the red 'X' to the left of the category to delete it.
- Note: Deleting a category with existing expenses will delete all of the associated expenses. If you wish to keep expenses from a deleted category please re-assign those expenses before deleting the category.
Add Expense: This is where you will actually add your expenses. Enter a name for the expense and a cost. If you have entered Expense Categories (see above) you can select a category to assign this expense to. Each expense will be deducted from your "Starting Balance" (see Settings Screen) to give you an available balance.
Step 1: git clone this repo:
Step 2: cd to the cloned repo:
Step 3: Install the Application with yarn
or npm i
- cd to the repo
- Run Build for either OS
- for iOS
- run
react-native run-ios
- run
- for Android
- Run Genymotion
- run
react-native run-android