
WP-CLI Script to migrate posts between post types and taxonomy terms in bulk.

Primary LanguagePHP

WP-CLI Post Type Migration

This WP-CLI script can be used to migrate posts from one post type to another or add posts in a specific taxonomy and term in bulk.


wp tyb migrate-post-type --from=<string> --to=<string> --per-page=<int> --offset=<int> --taxonomy=<string> --term=<string> --dry-run=<bool>


  • --from: Post type slug to migrate from.
  • --to: Post type slug to migrate to.
  • --per-page: Number of posts to process per page. Default is 150.
  • --offset: Where in the query to start the loop. Default is 0.
  • --taxonomy: Taxonomy slug the desired term lives in.
  • --term: Term name to assign each migrated post to.
  • --dry-run: Boolean value. Dry run is a test run that does not execute any data. Default is true.

NOTE: You must set --dry-run=false for the script to actually process the posts and migrate data.