
Allows for the automation of motors and other cues during a play

Primary LanguageC#

Proof Productions

Our theater automation system allows for the configuration of motors and other cues during a play. The computer is connected to all of the motors in the theater and the user can schedule different cues for each scene in a play. This application was developed for our Software Engineering class in Fall 2017.

Product Owner: Stephen Canzanese
Scrum Master: Joshua DeNoble
Dev Team: Tyler Carberry, Benny Liang, Wen Cao, and Tom Abraham


A computer running Windows can control motors through the use of ModbusTCP. Modbus information such as speed, acceleration, and deceleration are sent to a motor and the motor will return data that shows its current values. The computer is connected to a programmable logic controller (PLC) which can connect to multiple motors. The PLC acts like a switch to the motors that it is connected to. Additionally, each motor is connected to a encoder which provides an electrical signal that is used for speed and/or position control and one or more limit switches that stops a motor when passed. The system also has a emergency stop button to cease all motor functions if necessary.



Setup CueSetup Motors