Twitter Verified Users Twitter Icon

All 413,137 verified users on Twitter as of Saturday, November 5th 2022.

@verified is following 423,617 accounts. 10,480 of them are not verified and have been excluded from these csv files.


File name Size
verified.csv 46 MB Download Description
verified_full.csv 252 MB Download Description


Statistic Num
Total verified users 413,137
Have tweeted in 2022 387,967
Have tweeted in the past week 287,198
Average number of followers 120,882
Have default profile picture 228
Have never tweeted (or deleted them all) 4,929
Have tweets withheld in a country 105
Have protected account 4,395
Have no followers 2 (@rmghd19 and @MBCLOUDFM)


Column Description
id Twitter id
name Account name
screen_name Twitter handle
is_default_profile_image 0=false 1=true
is_protected Is private account
followers_count Number of twitter followers
statuses_count Number of tweets
is_verified Every account in this dataset = 1
is_default_profile Has the user changed their theme or background
listed_count The number of public lists that the user is a member of
withheld_in_countries Two-letter country codes this user is withheld from
friends_count Number of accounts they are following
favourites_count Number of tweets they have liked
most_recent_tweet_date Timezone = UTC. Null if every tweet is deleted
created_at When the account was created. Timezone = UTC


Column Description
id Twitter id
name Account name
screen_name Twitter handle
location Profile location
description Twitter bio
profile_image_url_https Profile picture in medium resolution
is_default_profile_image 0=false 1=true
url Link to the profile. May be null
is_protected Is private account
followers_count Number of twitter followers
profile_background_color Hex code
profile_text_color Hex code
profile_link_color Hex code
peofile_sidebar_fill_color Hex code
profile_sidebar_border_color Hex code
profile_use_background_image 0=false 1=true
profile_background_image_url_https No longer displayed
profile_banner_image_url Header image
profile_background_tiled No longer displayed
statuses_count Number of tweets
is_geo_enabled If the user enabled location
is_verified Every account in this dataset = 1
is_default_profile Has the user changed their theme or background
listed_count The number of public lists that the user is a member of
withheld_in_countries Two-letter country codes this user is withheld from
friends_count Number of accounts they are following
favourites_count Number of tweets they have liked
most_recent_tweet_date Timezone = UTC. Null if every tweet is deleted
created_at When the account was created. Timezone = UTC
most_recent_tweet_text null for private accounts