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Studio Ghibli API

The Studio Ghibli API documents information about the films from Studio Ghibli and information about the characters and locations within the films.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run npm install
  3. Start a mongod server
  4. Run npm run seed to seed the data
  5. Run npm run dev to open a connection to the database

REST routes for the Film model:

URL Path Method Action Description
/films / GET #index List of all Films
/films/ /:id GET #show Displays a single Film by id
/films/title /title/:title GET #show Displays a single Film by title
/films/director /director/:director GET #show Lists all films by a specific director
/films/title /title/:title GET #show Displays a single Film by title
/films/delete /films/delete/:id DELETE #delete Removes a film from the database by id

REST routes for the People model:

URL Path Method Action Description
/people /people GET #index List of all People
/people/ /:id GET #show Display a single person by id
/people/name /people/name/:name GET #show Display a single person by name
/people/create /people/create POST #create Creates a new person
/people/update /people/update/:id PUT #update Updates an existing persons data
/people/delete /people/delete/:id DELETE #delete Removes a person from the database by id

REST routes for the Locations model:

URL Path Method Action Description
/locations /locations GET #index List of all Locations
/locations /:id GET #index List a specific location by id
/locations/name /locations/name/:name GET #index List a specific location by name

Director Search

Technologies Used

Javascript, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express.js, Node.js, Heroku.