
Update Wiki

Opened this issue · 3 comments


I think the global options have changed.


pip3 install . --global-option="build_ext" --global-option="--builtbpy=/path/to/built/blender/bin" -v


pip3 install . --global-option="build_ext" --global-option="--bpy-prebuilt=/path/to/built/blender/bin" -v

Overall the build process is very painful. I still haven't been able to get bpy running. Using pypi it takes forever to download the repos from Github and SVN and every time the cache gets deleted if an error occurs during the process. So it would be good to set an existing path for it. (Above commands won't work.)
With the 3rd method I'm still struggling. So a more thorough Wiki / Readme would very much help.

Also, Blender v2.93 depends on Python 3.9 AFAIK. (The version is hard-coded in the scripts.)
So downloading and building bpy.so with 3.9 libraries works, but then building blenderpy with Python3.7 eventually leads to Segmentation Faults or Scripts not found errors similar to #83 .

I bumped up the version requirements in setup.py to include Python3.9 and I was able to build and load the module. Maybe it's worth looking into to avoid similar issues happening. Please tell me if I should expect any bugs with this approach.

Gotcha. Appreciate all your efforts.