Pinned issues
- 2
Convert 3D (.obj) to 2D (.jpg)
#138 opened by walid3271 - 0
Setting render region programmatically
#137 opened by lauesa - 0
The following error occurs when running blenderproc run, how to solve it
#136 opened by wang-shuaikang - 10
installing bpy in anaconda python 3.7.11
#135 opened by monajalal - 0
Error pip bpy on MacBook Air m1 (Python 3.7.14)
#132 opened by hasangzc - 12
- 2
Need to work with Python 3.8+
#130 opened by Psijic - 0
Error in bpy installation
#131 opened by darwinsir - 1
Manylinux wheels for Blender 2.93
#126 opened by basilevh - 3
Legacy Install Failure
#113 opened by niket2503 - 1
2.82 bpy is not compatible with Darwin Python 3.9.7
#115 opened by eherbut - 0
python3.7 and bpy==2.91a0
#129 opened by daixiangzi - 1
Mac OSX requires pre-compiled libs
#128 opened by y-zheng18 - 0
Cannot find gpu devices in bpy.context.preferences.addons['cycles'].preferences.get_devices()
#127 opened by derrick-xwp - 5
- 4
Error installing bpy through pip
#122 opened by mariocorradetti - 0
RuntimeError: Operator bpy.ops.wm.collada_export.poll() failed, context is incorrect
#93 opened by learnerandtrainer - 0
bpy_post_install: command not found
#123 opened by zhanglin233 - 0
- 1
Error when installing bpy on macos
#120 opened by osianSmith - 0
Invalid git repository error
#119 opened by MirzetKameric - 1
- 1
Missing blender in symlink when cloning the repo
#117 opened by faniry6 - 0
bpy installation on Ubuntu 20.04: a success case
#116 opened by yanconglin - 2
future fstring missing
#91 opened by theottm - 2
lib/python3.8/", line 350, in find_cookie raise SyntaxError(msg) SyntaxError: unknown encoding for '/tmp/pip-install-40vq_5bt/bpy/': future_fstrings ---------------------------------------- ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: python egg_info Check the logs for full command output.
#108 opened by lucasjinreal - 0
import bpy (failed to find 'bpy_types)
#112 opened by devshahofficial - 0
Cannot use with version of Python Blender uses.
#111 opened by hYdos - 1
module for blender 3.0
#110 opened by mathelehrer - 6
- 2
Compatibility with older python versions
#107 opened by ChanCheukPong - 2
ERROR: bpy-2.91a0-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_13_x86_64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
#106 opened by WuZhuoran - 4
How to install in a venv using poetry?
#105 opened by BenjixLeGaulois - 3
Installation fails on Macbook M1
#104 opened by anticdimi - 0
- 3
Making module bpy for Python gives error 2
#102 opened by SergJP - 0
Making bpy module raises an error
#101 opened by SergJP - 0
XML parse error during installation from source/pip
#100 opened by wsc839 - 2
bpy 2.91a0 is not available on pypi
#97 opened by caniko - 0
A CMake error
#99 opened by DhlDeliveryMan - 0
install use whl file encounter some problems
#98 opened by visonpon - 1
2.93 wheel for manylinux
#95 opened by neevparikh - 3
render not work
#94 opened by whu-lee - 0
#92 opened by nikhilpatiltest - 3
Update Wiki
#90 opened by mrmotallebi - 0
- 2
Blender Debugging Environment setup issue: Blender paused itself but nothing happened in the Eclipse PyDev server
#87 opened by YuzhouGuo - 1
- 2
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