
🐒 Finds available user-scripts for current site including adult sites.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Magic Userscript+

Fork of Userscript+ : Show Site All UserJS. Source code & authors information found here.

The power of Greasy Fork on the go! Finds available UserJS for the current webpage ( may not work on every webpage )


Changelog (GitHub)

Finds available UserJS for current webpage from various UserJS hosts (e.g, Greasy Fork), displays a found count bottom right of the webpage, automatically disappears after 10 seconds (can be configured).

Known bugs:

  • May conflict with any UserJS that executes in an iframe.
Demo 1
Demo 2
Demo 3


Version Link Alternative Note
Userscript Greasy Fork Install (GitHub) -
Userscript Legacy Install (GitHub) - Homepage
Chrome/Edge/Opera GitHub - Work in progress
Firefox GitHub Add-on Store Work in progress

(Optional) Mobile Bookmarklet:



Tested and compatible with TamperMonkey and ViolentMonkey.

  • Multilingual support.
  • User can search + load results for UserJS on an entirely different webpage!
  • Config can be synced with current user script manager.
  • Automatically finds language through navigator.language, all dates will match your current language.
  • List displays the following information for each UserJS: name, description, creation date, author(s), version, daily installs, total installs, user ratings.
  • List can be filtered through search.
  • List is sorted by Daily Installs, highest to lowest.
  • Designed for desktop and mobile devices.
  • Available search engines: Greasy Fork, Sleazy Fork, Open UserJS, GitHub, Gist (GitHub)
  • Built-in Greasyfork Search with Sleazyfork Results include.

FAQ / Troubleshooting

Nothing appears bottom right:

  • Try again on another webpage [Test Page]
  • Default timeout is 10000ms before the count disappears
  • If issue persists, see Viewing UserJS Logs

Error occured while injecting Container:

  • Try again on another webpage [Test Page]
  • This error is caused by the current webpage not supporting attachShadow

Error occured while loading UserJS for this webpage:

  • Reload the webpage or try again on a different webpage [Test Page]
  • This error may be caused by
    • An error occured in an enabled search engine while fetching content
    • Script is unable to fetch content on current or all webpages

No available UserJS for this webpage:

  • This error can be caused when no UserJS could be found in enabled search engines
  • If there are known UserJS to exist in enabled search engines, enable Filter out other languages

Viewing UserJS Logs

  • Open your web browsers Inspect Element and navigate to it's Console
  • Locate the following [UserJS] < message > ( you can filter your Console by entering UserJS or [ )
  • Feel free to screenshot any error messages to the GitHub for addition help
  • If nothing appears, this means the script is not executing at all

Source Code




Greasy Fork