
As part of my journey to become a software developer, I have decided to learn Python. I found a course on Udemy (100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022) that I thought would be a fantastic entry into the world of Python.

Day 1

The first day was an introduction into the basics of Python, string manipulation/variables, printing and inputs. The project was to allow a user to input the city they grew up in and their pets name to help them create a new band name.

Day 2

The second day's project was to create a simple tip calculator that would determine each persons portion of a bill plus the tip.

Day 3

On the third day, the project was to create a simple text choose your own adventure style of game.

Day 4

The fourth day's project had us create a rock, paper and scissors game that would have the user play against the computer.

Day 5

On the fifth day, the course showed how to use loops in Python which culminated in a password generator application.

Day 6

Day six brought me to Reeborg's World to work with functions to get the robot to exit the maze.

Day 7

The project on day 7 was a hangman game that used some nice ASCII art. This was a pretty fun one!

Day 8

Day 8's project was a simple command line take on Caesar's Cipher that asked the user if they wanted to encode or decode an inputted text and how many characters they wanted it to shift.

Day 9

Day nine introduced Dictionaries and we used them to create a simple command line auction program.

Day 10

The project on day 10 was a command line calculator that added, subtracted, multiplied and divided 2 inputted numbers. You also allowed the user to continue calculating with the previous result, start a new calculation or exit the calculator.

Day 11

On day 11, we had to complete our first capstone project, a command line version of Blackjack. This was actually a very fun project and I found myself playing far longer than I should have.

Day 12

The project today was to create a command line number guessing game. This was a fun challenge that taught scope in Python.

Day 13

Day 13 required us to go through some altered versions of previous work to find bugs.

Day 14

The project on Day 14 was actually very fun. We were tasked with creating a higher or lower game that would randomly select 2 elements from an array of celebrities and companies and the user needs to choose which one has more followers.

Day 15

The Day 15 project was very interesting. We had to build the logic for an automated coffee maker. It was definitely fun to work through all the logic to complete this one. I will definitely need to go back to refactor it though.

Day 16

On Day 16, we were introduced to classes and objects. We refactored the coffee maker code to implement classes to help shorten the code in main.py while also making it much more readable.

Day 17

Day 17 walked through the creation of classes and we used this to create a true/false quiz game. I will definitely be coming back to this to expand on this basic project.

Day 18

Day 18 had us using Turtle to replicate a Hirst painting using colorgram to extract colors from a jpg and then turtle dots. This was a very interesting project!

Day 19

The final project on Day 19 was a fun little game where 6 turtles raced to get to the right side of the screen. Very fun!

Day 20

The project today was part 1 of 2 where we start to recreate the classic snake game from the old Nokia cell phones.

Day 21

Today we completed the snake game. We implemented collision detection with the wall, food and snake body pieces. This was a lot of fun to complete!

Day 22

The project today was a take on the classic Pong game.

Day 23

Today, we got to work on our second capstone project, a frogger clone. We had to create cars randomly along the y axis and enable our turtle to cross the street. Once we reached the end, we reset the turtle, increased the level and now had to cross with much quicker cars. This project was definitely interesting and a very fun build!

Day 24

Today we learned about accessing the file system and used this knowledge to implement a high score mechanism for our snake game as well as a way to quickly customize the same letter to a multiple recipients.