This simple application downloads any version of MDK or forge, and prepares the environment, so you can start making your Minecraft mod.
- IntelliJ Ultimatae 2017.2 and Java 8
- Dependencies: commons-io:commons-io:2.5 and com.googlecode.json-simple:json-simple:1.1.1
- [] Text field defaults.
- [] Code cleanup.
- [] Replace the example mod based on the package id.
- [] Replace directory based on the package id.
[] = Not implemented [*] = Working [✔️] = Done
- There appears to be some versions which will not download.
- [✔️] Index all MDK and Forge versions using json.
- [✔️] Creating a JavaFX app.
- [✔️] Downloading and Unzipping files.
- [✔️] Java FileIO and Apache Commons IO File IO.
- Stackoverflow, used samples for downloading and unzipping, sorry I don't remember every post I viewed.
- for get the last element in a JSON object code.
- Wong Guan, for his README that I am using as a template.