
A React/Flask web application for searching TED talk transcripts. Developed for a technical interview.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

TED Talk Reader

Read and search thousands of TED talk transcripts!

The following build instructions have been tested on macOS 10.13.1.

Begin by cloning the repo and then cd tedTalkDemo.

Create DB

First make sure you have MySQL installed locally.

Install the mysql CLI via brew: brew install mysql

Log into mysql with mysql -u YOUR_USERNAME -p and provide your password.

Create database with create database mydatabase. Be sure to call database mydatabase.

In the config.py file under the root directory, replace the DATABASE_URL with mysql+mysqlconnector://YOUR_USERNAME:YOUR_PASSWORD@localhost/mydatabase. Be sure to use your actual MySQL username and password here.

Once complete, be sure to start your MySQl server: brew services start mysql

You should be up and running with MySQL now!

Install Flask Application

Create a virtual environment and install the required packages as below.

$ pip2 install virtualenv
$ virtualenv venv --distribute
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ sudo pip2 install -r requirements.txt
$ sudo pip2 install --egg mysql-connector-python-rf

Run the db setup and server start scripts:

$ python2 manage.py create_db
$ python2 manage.py runserver

Note that the app requires Python 2.7. Be sure that all of the packages are installed for Python 2.7.

The server will print the number of rows of transcripts inserted into the db once the db is set up.

The Flask app listens on localhost:5000.

Install React Application

Use npm to install and start the React app.

$ cd static
$ npm install
$ npm start

Using the App

Once installed, navigate to the registration screen application and register with any email and password. Then you should be taken to the search screen where you can search TED Talks

I used https://github.com/dternyak/React-Redux-Flask to bootstrap the app and https://www.kaggle.com/rounakbanik/ted-talks for the data.