includes games of chess in which the player can force a checkmate in either 1, 2, or 3 moves. This project will be used to solve these puzzles.
The following instructions will cover how to download and run a local deployment of the our Chess Puzzle Solver with minimal dependencies.
You will need to first download the Chess Puzzle Solver repository from GitHub. To do so, type the following command in the terminal.
The API runs on Java JDK 13. So, if you don't have it, download a version here.
We do not have any installed packages for our project so it should be a "Plug and Play" kind of application.
To run the Chess Solver, type the following command:
mvnw spring-boot:run
If everything runs properly, you should see this in your terminal.
. ____ _ __ _ _
/\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
\\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) )
' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
:: Spring Boot :: (v2.2.6.RELEASE)
To run the Chess Solver, type the following command:
This shell script builds and runs the Docker container corresponding to the Dockerfile in this repository.
Another shell script is ran after container deployment that checks the service is up by checking for 200 or 403 status codes and times out after 2 minutes.
If everything runs properly, you should see this in your terminal.
Service is online
If the spring-boot project takes too long to start up, or the connection can't be made, you will see the following in your terminal.
Health check timed out. Service is offline.
Once the API is up on running, like shown above, you can start making requests to the different routes that are available
The application is being run on port 8080 so you can view the responses to some of the routes in the browser if you go to http://localhost:8080/.
- /
- /win_game
- /generate_game
Request Type: GET
Expected Input: NONE
Output: Shows a nice little greeting.
GET /win_game
Expected Input: NONE
Output: Moves to win a puzzle, or a message saying to POST first.
POST /win_game
Expected Input:
"pieceLocations": "BQ30 WP22 WP04 WB44 WK54 BP74 BK75 WR26"
You can change the "BQ30 WP22 WP04 WB44 WK54 BP74 BK75 WR26" to which ever puzzle you would like to solve.
Output: A JSON representation of the resultant board.
PUT /win_game
Expected Input:
"pieceString": "WQ24"
You can change "WQ24" to which location you would like to add the piece to.
Output: A JSON representation of the resultant board with the new piece added.
DELETE /win_game
Expected Input: NONE
Output: A message verifying the board was deleted.
GET /generate_game
Expected Input: NONE
Output: The generated game or, a message saying to POST first.
POST /generate_game
Expected Input:
"moveCount": 2
You can change the 2 to which ever number of moves you want.
Output: A response of the moveCount to verify it was set.
PUT /generate_game
Expected Input:
"moveCount": 2
You can change the 2 to which ever number of moves you want.
Output: A response of the updated moveCount to verify it was updated.
DELETE /generate_game
Expected Input: NONE
Output: A message verifying the moveCount was reset to -1.