POST Requests


  • Review the request config object
  • Review JSON.stringify() and why it's used on the body of our request
  • Handle the promise using a .then and call .json() on the response
  • Handle that promise with a second .then (where we have our actual response body)
  • Render data to the DOM
  • Discuss optimistic vs pessimistic rendering
  • Add a .catch to handle failed promises

POST (Create)

Posts send data to the server. The information is usually sent from a form, creating a resource in the database.

We use fetch just like a GET request, but a POST request requires an additional argument, a request / config object.

// Method: The HTTP method used in this request. Fetch requests are GET by default. Though they can take a request object, it's not necessary. Other requests, such as POST, require the method to identify what type of request it is. 

// Headers: An object that contains additional information for the request. The Content-Type indicates the original media type of the data. 

// Body: The data from the request. Before the request can be sent the data must be converted to JSON.
fetch(url, {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'