[SerializedField] private don't show as MinMaxSlider if inherence has abstruct class in middle
Closed this issue · 6 comments
laurentopia commented
TylerTemp commented
More information and context would be appreciated as I can not re-produce it with Unity 2022.2.0f1 under either IMGUI or UI Toolkit with script:
public class Issue79 : MonoBehaviour
[MinMaxSlider(0, 20f), SerializeField] Vector2 range; // test field
public struct MyStruct
[MinMaxSlider(0, 20f), SerializeField] Vector2 range; // test under struct
[SaintsRow] public MyStruct myStruct;
UPDATE: or it's used under a subclass of something? This kind of information also helps
laurentopia commented
TylerTemp commented
Bug confirmed. Will be fixed in next release
TylerTemp commented
This bug is fixed in dev branch.
Because of my health issue I need to slow down a bit on this project. If this issue bothers you much, please considering using dev
branch to get the most recent stable features & bug fixing
TylerTemp commented
Hi, this bug has been fixed in 3.3.0. As it's a breaking changes, please read the changelog before upgrading.
laurentopia commented
great and that fixed the [Required] bug I was getting.