
Collects code from public GitHub repositories and produces a report on the repeated and unique lines.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT



First, clone the repo via git:

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/tylerwasniowski/github-similarity-analyzer.git "github-similarity-analyzer"

And then install dependencies with yarn:

cd "github-similarity-analyzer"
yarn install

Then create your analyzer config:

cd "github-similarity-analyzer/packages/analyzer/src"
cp "Config.java.example" "Config.java"

Finally, replace these lines in Config.java with your GitHub API keys:

public static final String GITHUB_CLIENT_ID  = "xxxx";
public static final String GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET = "xxxx";

Run in Development Mode

It is recommended to run the backend and frontend in separate terminal sessions.

See the instructions in the frontend package for starting the frontend.

See the instructions in the backend package for starting the backend.

If you would rather run both frontend and backend in a single terminal session, you can run:

yarn dev

Run in Production Mode

First build the package by running:

yarn build

Then start the application in production by running:

yarn start

Alternatively, to use just the analyzer without the web interface, follow the instructions in the analyzer package.