Reddit Clone


This implementation is a 1:1 representation of the design in Figma.

It utilizes the stack from create-t3-app and incorporates the following additional packages:

  • Clerk: for user management
  • Shadcn: for reusable frontend components, including:
    • Accordion: to collapse and expand replies under comments
    • Sonner: for toast notifications
    • Skeleton: for rendering skeleton layouts while fetching data
    • Form, Input, Button, Label: for form management

How it works

Users can view posts from everyone but must be logged in to upvote/downvote or comment.

How to get started

There are two options to get started:

  1. Use the live demo by clicking this link.
  2. Self-host the application.


  1. Rename .env.example to .env.


  • Create an account and application with Clerk, selecting Google as the only option. Once done, obtain your CLERK_SECRET_KEY and NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY and replace <CLERK_SECRET_KEY_HERE> and <NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY_HERE> respectively with their corresponding values.
  • Next, create a database from PlanetScale and replace <DATABASE_URL_HERE> with the database URL you obtained from PlanetScale.


  1. After setting up Clerk and the database, install all necessary dependencies and packages by running:
    npm install
  2. Push the schema to your database by running:
    npx prisma db push

Running the Application

You should now be able to use the application by running:

npm run dev