
H801 RGBW led controller + MQTT NodeMCU software

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

H801 RGBW Led Controller Lua (NodeMCU) software

Openhab settings: https://github.com/ssk181/home-switch-openhab


  • H801 controller



  • /home/iot/{Device-IP}/out/rgb *- HEX value, for example: FF00FF
  • /home/iot/{Device-IP}/out/w1 *- HEX value, for example: FF
  • /home/iot/{Device-IP}/out/w2 *- HEX value, for example: FF
  • /home/iot/{Device-IP}/out/online - ON - connected to MQTT, OFF - desconected (LWT)
  • /home/iot/{Device-IP}/out/state/uptime - Uptime in seconds
  • /home/iot/{Device-IP}/out/state/memory - Free bytes memory


  • /home/iot/{Device-IP}/out/rgb *- HEX value, for example: FF00FF
  • /home/iot/{Device-IP}/out/w1 *- HEX value, for example: FF
  • /home/iot/{Device-IP}/out/w2 *- HEX value, for example: FF
  • /home/iot/{Device-IP}/in/state/uptime - Empty message
  • /home/iot/{Device-IP}/in/state/memory - Empty message

H801 RGBW led controller modification

H801 RGBW controller based on ESP82266 chip and BergMicro BG25Q80ASCTG with 8Mbit (1Mb) of memory.

Controller ordered on Aliexpress: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/DC5-24V-Smart-LED-Dimmer-Light-Controller-WiFi-APP-Controlled-Wireless-Receiver-Output-5-Routes-PWM/32636503790.html

H801 RGBW led controller

The H801 uses the secondary TX for UART0 (GIO2), so standard NodeMCU, Arduino etc won't work. You can modify firmware to use GPIO2 as TX, or solder pin to UART0 TX without any firmware modification. And use normal PIN for flesh and update firmware, and soldered pin for sketch upload and debug.

ESP8266 pins H801 TX pin

Mac OS Installation

  1. Build and setup firmware integer with modules: bit, file, gpio, mqtt, net, node, pwm, tmr, uart, wifi (you can get it here: http://nodemcu-build.com/)
  2. Install nodemcu-tool: npm install nodemcu-tool -g
  3. Use ./upload.sh to upload