
Rainy Bot is a multi-use Discord bot with several random features.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Rainy Bot

Rainy Bot is a multi-use Discord bot that I use in my servers. It has several functions (outlined below) and I would love to try new functions. Pop an idea in the issues tab if you have an idea for a new feature and I will do my best to implement it!



  • /help displays a list of all available commands (different list for admins and non-admins).
  • /randompost <subreddit_name> gets a random post from the specified subreddit.
  • /roll <(x)d(y)> rolls x dice with y sides (e.g. "/roll 4d6" rolls four 6-sded dice).
  • /define <word> defines the word passed in using the Free Dictionary API.
  • /pronouns sends an embed with buttons to set pronouns [Admin Only]
  • /rules sends rules message to channel [Owner Only]
  • /urban <word> defines the word with Urban Dictionary
  • /dms sends an embed with buttons to set DM permissions to DMs Open, DMs Closed, or Ask to DM [Owner Only]


  • /unsplash <search_term> returns a random post from unsplash OR a random post from search

Setting Up the Bot


The bot needs the following permissions to function properly:

  • Manage Roles
  • Read Messages/View Channels
  • Send Messages
  • Embed Links
  • Mention Everyone
  • Use External Emojis
  • Move Members

What the Bot Does

When the bot joins a server, it will create the following roles:

  • @DMs Open
  • @DMs Closed
  • @Ask to DM
  • @He/Him
  • @She/Her
  • @They/Them
  • @Other Pronouns

Please do not change the names of these roles as certain functions of the bots will stop working. You may change everything else about the roles (color, position, etc.) as long as they are below the Rainy role in the roles list and keep the original name. If you do change the name, you can always change it back, just keep the capitalization the same as above.

Built With

  • Nextcord - Discord API wrapper
  • Async PRAW - Asynchronous Reddit API wrapper
  • Colorama - Colorful console outputs
  • AIOHTTP - Asynchronous HTTP Client/Server
  • udpy - Urban Dictionary API Wrapper


  • Tyler Holley


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.


Inspired by Milesnocte's WoodyBot

Developing your own

If you cloned this repo and are developing your own or using it to test features, see below:


The bot needs the following scopes in the developer portal:

  • bot
  • applications.commands


The bot's code adds all intents manually but to make it as painless as possible, enable the following privileged gateway intents in the Bot screen:

  • Presence Intent
  • Server Members Intent
  • Message Content Intent