(WIP) Home for JSON-RPC-powered services for cloud-scale applications.
When used in conjunction it is possible to develop highly secure, traceable, and dynamic real-time applications that are relentlessly designed to reach cloud-scale by distributing loads across queues. JSON-RPC is used to provide a language/transport-agnostic protocol for maximum flexibility with simplified event sourcing.
For more information on the individual services please see their respective documentation linked below.
Service | Purpose | Dashboard |
Service Gateway | Manage multi-transport JSON-RPC Services in the cloud | Serivce Gateway |
DNS | Create DNS Records & Manage SSL Certificates | DNS |
Auth | Authentication/Authorization | Auth |
Communications | SMS/Email/Slack/Webhook triggers | Communications |
Feature Flags | Move quickly, soften failures, A/B testing | Feature Flags |
Logging | Keep track of what your applications are doing | Logging |
Frontend Gateway | SOA for the frontend | Frontend Gateway |