Web aplication for basic analysis of GDELT event database

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Set Google Cloud Credentials

for using BigQuery API for GDELT database you need to specify account Google Cloud credentials. Firstly create project. Just enter a project name (e.g. "GDELT"), and set location as "No organization".

Then use this page to create a new credentials for project. Choose as "Service account" choose "New service account". Fill "Service account name" by any name you want. As role select "BigQuery" -> "Big Query User". Choose JSON key type. Finally download key file by "Create" button. Rename file as google_cloud_credentials.json, and place it to GDELT/resources/google_cloud_credentials.json.

Install dependencies

To use tis app you must have python 3. To install dependencies:

pip3 install django plotly-express google-cloud-bigquery folium mapboxgl chart_studio ipython

Run application server

Run from main directory of project:

python manage.py runserver

To use virtual environment:

/venv/bin/python manage.py runserver

Mapbox access token

If you want to use your own mapbox account, you need to place you access token to GDELT/resources/mapbox_tocken. To create a new token go to this page.