- 1
Is this package still maintained?
#1616 opened by rajmondx - 5
Atom-Typescript error: Debug Failure. Expected C:/spring5/angular/clientes-app/tsconfig.json === ...
#1577 opened by Stalyn19 - 2
Support importing using file extentions
#1612 opened by KonkenBonken - 2
Error processing request. No Project (tsconfig.json in some subdirectories)
#1608 opened by nelson6e65 - 1
Atom-Typescript error: terminated on signal: SIGSEGV
#1604 opened by LuccaGugescu - 1
Atom-Typescript error: terminated on signal: SIGPIPE
#1603 opened by Prg-maker - 1
How to enable on shebang?
#1601 opened by albert200000 - 1
- 1
Atom-Typescript error: Debug Failure. Expected C:/projetos/typescript/nodejs/tsconfig.json === C:...
#1598 opened by matesi - 0
- 1
Atom-Typescript error: Debug Failure. Expected C:/ANGULAR/my-project/Ej100_angular/009_HolaMundoM...
#1596 opened by AdQuinti - 0
Atom-Typescript error: ChildProcess failed to start
#1606 opened by Devpython8454 - 2
[Feature request] Support yarn berry pnp
#1595 opened by danieltroger - 0
javascript types wrong with Array.prototype.flat/faltMap
#1605 opened by sertonix - 1
Uncaught NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node': The node before which the new...
#1594 opened - 2
Quick-fix not working anymore
#1591 opened by Nilos - 1
Is it possible to use this package with language-babel instead of language-typescript?
#1597 opened by saadq - 2
New code is not being parsed correctly
#1589 opened by henriquesaias - 4
It breaks one-key autocomplete
#1590 opened by artyompal - 1
- 4
Intentions are not highlighted in TypeScript files
#1586 opened by aminya - 2
[Question] Linting on Save
#1588 opened by ghivert - 1
- 2
Error: terminated on signal: SIGABRT
#1584 opened by ganinaleksei - 7
"implement interface" action produces bloated result when argument type has recursive type parameters
#1583 opened by mjwach - 6
JavaScript tooltips
#1582 opened by brettz9 - 1
Access to the repo
#1581 opened by lierdakil - 12
Outline error when opening a single file
#1550 opened by aminya - 11
Error: "Failed to activate the atom-typescript package"
#1553 opened by whiny-nil - 2
Can't ctrl+click "multiclick" text with lint errors
#1571 opened by NodeJoSe - 2
How to prevent auto-formatting on save?
#1572 opened by winston0410 - 1
Semantics view large file optimizations
#1570 opened by aminya - 2
Atom-Typescript error: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type undefined
#1580 opened by BRandMol - 2
Atom-Typescript error: Debug Failure. Expected C:/Users/walla/OneDrive/Documents/Angular/tsconfig...
#1579 opened by wallacesfos - 4
- 3
Atom-Typescript error: Server stopped normally
#1576 opened by Nostomo - 1
Autocomplete parentheses, arrow functions
#1574 opened by cedrikaagaard - 2
- 15
atom typescript slows down the editor in large files
#1554 opened by aminya - 3
- 1
Can port this package to sublime?
#1569 opened by Ppang0405 - 12
Auto import
#1567 opened by delucca - 2
Atom-typescript runs in dev mode when atom is in dev mode
#1565 opened by aminya - 49
atom-typescript has become slow
#1558 opened by samu - 9
Support JavaScript by default
#1551 opened by aminya - 1
- 1
- 4
Make typings a @types/... package
#1548 opened by aminya - 4
Useage with yarn's pnp
#1557 opened by FallingSnow - 2
Multi cursor on click broken in latest update (Core Editor Settings)
#1549 opened by marchand-software