
Add reviews

basarat opened this issue · 2 comments

"I was shocked at how good it felt to poke around on the compiler with it." Jonathan Turner
"And guess what, it worked perfectly. Like everything else!" Daniel Earwicker

Just wanted to say thank you. This plugin is fantastic
wow - this looks really great !!

Honourable mention : https://github.com/TNOCS/csWeb/wiki/IDE-and-other-tooling


From the TypeScript team

Wish omnisharp bits were in TS not CS

By Cameron : http://blog.ctaggart.com/2015/03/nodejs-azure-web-app-built-with-atom.html?m=1

On angular / angular : typescript + atom is so unbelievably cool i can't get over it https://gitter.im/angular/angular?at=5526c71527e4ff0c43e242e6

By Diullei : "Using atom-typescript I think I don't need another #TypeScript IDE!"

On DripStat blog

By hansrwindhoff

@danielearwicker would like your approval for this.

100% approved. You can add "Faster than Visual Studio!" as well.