- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#1578 opened by renovate - 2
webpack 5 + Vue + TS-Loader how to use generics?
#1620 opened by Anubarak - 2
Install TS
#1663 opened by t4vvd - 24
- 0
- 1
- 8
CVE-2024-4068 - Upgrade micromatch to 4.0.7
#1650 opened by saumeya - 0
Null assertion breaks only for ts loader
#1518 opened by b3nb5n - 0
ts-loader compatibility with typescript 5.6.3 ?
#1659 opened by vitto-moz - 0
- 0
error when using passThrough
#1658 opened by ceonizm - 1
- 0
Typescript type validation error in ts-loader
#1654 opened by treeandgrass - 2
- 1
ts-loader inconsistent with ts compiler
#1629 opened by danielvanmil - 7
Add support for using keyword (TypeScript 5.2)
#1628 opened by dkhovrich - 2
How to silent any error from ts-loader?
#1648 opened by aspirisen - 0
Question: generate `d.ts` files for each entry
#1646 opened by stangerjm - 4
Loading custom file leads to TS2307 (Cannot find module)
#1644 opened by Lotes - 1
- 4
- 2
- 1
- 0
Add native support for tsconfig `compilerOptions.paths`
#1642 opened by SkReD - 0
Is there a way to hide private method after build?
#1637 opened by ederzz - 0
Safari shows "An error occurred trying to load the resource." when loading ts breakpoint
#1640 opened by miku1958 - 8
Error when upgrading ts-loader
#1638 opened by michaeltford - 3
After upgrading from 8.4.0 to 9.4.4, startup of a nodejs/electron app doubled
#1634 opened by ericpromislow - 0
- 2
CVE-2023-28154 - Upgrade WebPack to 5.76.0
#1630 opened by keironlowe-edriving - 0
[deps] Check for breaking changes in dependency updates
#1627 opened by gerpetto - 1
Updating to ts-loader@9.4.4 results in TS2502: 'AbortController' is referenced directly or indirectly in its own type annotation when used with @types/node@20.5.1
#1625 opened by tristanls - 0
- 3
ts-loader refuses to load module
#1622 opened by obfuscatedgenerated - 3
TransformerFactory isn't re-called in webpack watch mode when using pure ts-loader without custom compiler (like ttypescript)
#1615 opened by artem1458 - 1
- 4
- 0
- 0
Using Frogbot to scan this repository
#1610 opened by eyalbe4 - 3
Error: Debug Failure. False expression after upgrading to Typescript 5.0.2
#1604 opened by christiango - 4
Not working with TypeScript 5.0.2
#1600 opened by dbartholomae - 2
Webpack re-compile the final bundle JS when watching
#1603 opened by s-eiermann - 2
Help Please: ts-loader not working with two entry points in webpack.config.json
#1515 opened by quanzhuo - 1
preserve namespaces
#1565 opened by TobiasKoller - 0
bug in generate stacktrace?
#1558 opened by long76 - 6
AngularJS 1.5 pattern escape problem
#1548 opened by jamesbcn - 0
Anchor jumping is not working in
#1520 opened by LoginovIlya - 2
Error extending infered type in template string literal
#1516 opened by nsz32 - 1
- 1
Error import type in dépendance.
#1512 opened by helveden