
webpack exit code is equal to 0, if typescript build fails

marcelkottmann opened this issue ยท 46 comments

When the build fails (i.e. at least one typescript compile error occured), the ts-loader emits an incomplete javascript file and does not propagate the build failure to webpack. When using webpack with the --bail command line option an compile error, should result in an webpack exit code not equal to zero.

Is there another way or option to check if a compile error occured.

+1 - this would be really helpful

@PePe79 theoretically you could use the --noEmitOnError typescript option to get an exit code > 0 but then you only get something like this as an error message ModuleBuildError: Module build failed: Error: Typescript emitted no output for .../file.ts so none of the helpful ts compiler errors.

yes, i tried this already before, but this error message is not really useful.

https://github.com/denvned/webpack-typescript does fail with exit code > 0 on compile error with webpack command line option --bail

But this loader has other issues, so that's not an alternative for us and i would like to go on with ts-loader. But this bug is a blocker for our automated builds.

Yea, definitely know the need is there. Have you tried noEmitOnError (even though there are possibly issues with that - #91)?

Wow. I didn't get a lot of sleep and missed your comment on noEmitOnError. Sorry.

@PePe79, I would be happy to resolve any issues you have with webpack-typescript: https://github.com/denvned/webpack-typescript/issues

+1 would be really great if this was fixed. as incomplete error messages are obviously a big problem.

๐Ÿ‘ unbeleivable! That's a blocker issue for using with build server!

@denvned, your loader has the same issue

Oh yeah, I've managed to fix it. I will create Pull Request and attach explaination there in 6-8 hours.

or @EvAlex @denvned @jbrantly combine to have a single loader, so we don't have all these disparate loaders. :)

Always open to PRs. FWIW, I think the correct solution to this is to fix #91 to be more useful and then combine that with --bail for the webpack exit code, but since I haven't actually dug in and tried it yet I don't know if there are problems with that approach.

FWIW until this is fixed you can use something like webpack-fail-plugin to make your build fail on error.

OK, I've looked at this in more detail and here is where I've arrived:

According to this, webpack2 should fix the exit code. They are not making the change to webpack1 for backward-compatibility reasons.

I could make a change to ts-loader that would change the exit code in the case of failure. However, I feel like there are some issues with that, namely that a single loader would be taking on the responsibility of changing the exit code when there could be a lot of moving parts in the webpack config. For that reason it would at the very least need to be behind a flag. I could default the flag to "on" which would be a breaking change, and possibly could cause confusion when someone is trying to figure out why their build is all of a sudden failing. Or I could default to "off", which means you fine people looking for this functionality would have to configure it to "on" anyways.

It seems to me a better solution is to recommend the webpack-fail-plugin suggested by @vladimir-rovensky. The source for that plugin seems completely reasonable, and I just tried it myself and it gets the job done. It's not that much more work to use that plugin than it would be to turn on a flag in ts-loader. All TypeScript errors are still printed without any changes to ts-loader. And when webpack2 hits the problem just goes away.

If this seems reasonable I'll add some documentation pointing people to this solution.

FWIW, it was as simple as adding this to my webpack.config.js

plugins: [require('webpack-fail-plugin')]

Works like a charm!

This has been added to the docs. Thanks @johnnyreilly!

I'm a little confused by the reasoning here. Specifically:

However, I feel like there are some issues with that, namely that a single loader would be taking on the responsibility of changing the exit code when there could be a lot of moving parts in the webpack config.

If I make a mistake that causes a compilation error, I would expect the build failure. I don't understand why it would be inappropriate for the build system to report this error via the standard mechanism.

I could default the flag to "on" which would be a breaking change, and possibly could cause confusion when someone is trying to figure out why their build is all of a sudden failing.

If anyone is actually surprised by this, something is very, very wrong. Why was it okay that their build used to be failing but now that it's reported as such it's bad? Build failures should be loud. If I want to hard-fail the Webpack process, it provides a --bail option for me to specify it. It's not the job of a loader to decide how failures should be interpreted, just that failures occurred.

webpack-fail-plugin may work, but it's kind of a sketchy solution, given that (1) it already has some pretty obvious flaws and (2) uses an API for something it's not really intended for.

In short, I think this is the responsibility of ts-loader to report errors like this, and it's the responsibility of webpack and the user to decide what to do with the errors. The two should not be conflated.

If I want to hard-fail the Webpack process, it provides a --bail option for me to specify it. It's not the job of a loader to decide how failures should be interpreted, just that failures occurred.

I agree, which is why I didn't want to add it to the loader. I think you might be misunderstanding the issue here, which is that ts-loader is reporting errors just fine to webpack, but that webpack does not set the exit code if there are errors. You literally linked to the issue for this. If I were to attempt fixing this I would be putting process.exit(1) somewhere in the code.

There are two ways to report errors to webpack in a loader. There is the emitError API and there is "throw an exception". Right now ts-loader only throws an exception if TypeScript literally could not produce any output. For TypeScript diagnostics ts-loader uses emitError. I believe this is the appropriate usage of the API that is provided to loaders.

In webpack 1.x, if you use the "throw an exception" route and you use --bail, then webpack will report a non-zero exit code. Otherwise it doesn't. I think this is an issue, but it's on webpack, not on ts-loader.

ts-loader could potentially take the "throw an exception" route for all errors, but that has its own problems I believe (I haven't tried that in awhile so my memory is a little fuzzy). I don't recall if errors using emitError would still be reported. You'd also still have to use --bail which means you'd only get the error(s) from the first file, but that might not actually be the source of the issue.

I would also like to point out that I don't believe --bail should equal "report error code". I'll link to the relevant comment on this. Error codes should be reported regardless of whether or not --bail was used, and unfortunately I don't know if that's going to be the case in webpack2.

Actually, sorry, one last bit on this. I decided to go see if maybe webpack2 did change this and it looks like it may have. I haven't actually tested webpack2 but this code seems to cover the case above:

        if(!options.doWatch && stats.hasErrors()) {
            process.on("exit", function() {
                process.exit(2); // eslint-disable-line

Point taken on --bail. However, the readme is still confusing. It seems to state that ts-loader purposefully doesn't propagate errors, but as you explain here it's actually Webpack that is mishandling the errors that ts-loader is reporting via emitError (aside: I don't see any references to emitError anywhere). Perhaps rephrasing it and linking to that issue would help clarify what's actually going on here.

I can see what you mean:

ts-loader does not propagate the build failure to webpack

That should be updated.

Re: emitError, it's because ts-loader doesn't call that API directly but instead goes to the internals of webpack to add the errors (the same as if you were to call emitError). The reason is that ts-loader doesn't add the errors until after the loader has ran for all files, at which point you no longer actually have access to the emitError API directly.

ts-loader does not propagate the build failure to webpack

That should be updated.

I see this text is still in the readme. Does anyone have a suggestion for a replacement text?

Sorry I don't understand the question. There is detail on how to make the build failure propogate here:


As far as I understood the discussion above, ts-loader does propagate the build failure to webpack, but webpack doesn't actually fail when it receives an error ?

Other than that, since there has been a recent push to cooperate with ATL, it might be worth mentioning that I really enjoy ATL's printing of the error text on a failed compilation.

Hello guys!
Could you please tell me if the problem is solved?
I've tried many ways to provide ts-loader errors to webpack error callback, but it still doesnt work.
I want to provide ts-loader readable error toerror in compiler.run(function(err, stats) { argument

Have you tried the instructions in the readme?

Yes. I've done following actions:

  1. added "emitError": true to tsconfig.
  2. added bail: true to webpack.config
  3. added require('webpack-fail-plugin') into plugins to webpack.config

But when build is broken by ts-loader, it shows me unreadable error.

I wanna see an error like if emitError is disabled.

I would be interested in this as well, having a readable error message would be much better.

I can get the build to fail which is what this issue addresses, but like the others, I can't get meaningful information from the failure.

gabro commented

Hey @johnnyreilly is this issue still actual for modern versions of TypeScript?

I tried to use the --noEmitOnError option of tsc (2.3+) and it appears to exit with code 1 and show meaningful errors.

I haven't tested lately and so I'm not sure.... Perhaps it's changed?

gabro commented

It seems like an option, this was discussed more than a year ago.
What would be a quick way of testing it? Despite the readme, I've been recently surprised by this and accidentally deployed a broken bundle (in dev, thankfully)

I've just noticed that you said:

I tried to use the --noEmitOnError option of tsc (2.3+) and it appears to exit with code 1 and show meaningful errors.

You probably don't want to use this as it massively slows down compilation (can't emit until there are no errors at all)

My guess is you still need to use the fail plugin to fail the build. I still am...

gabro commented

You're talking about incremental builds, right?

No - production builds. Errors show up just fine in incremental

gabro commented

Then I'm not sure I follow. Can you elaborate on how not emitting on errors slows down the build?

Sorry - I had my wires crossed there. Here's my workflow:

  • I develop in watch mode. Here I should notice errors either in the console or as a result of the error toast notification I have set up.
  • Our CI server runs the full build. Here the fail plugin will fail the build if there are any errors.

What are you trying to do?

gabro commented

Same setup. However I initially missed the fail plugin note on the readme and the CI deployed a broken bundle that didn't make the build fail.

I read this thread trying to understand why ts-loader doesn't propagate TS errors to webpack, and I stumbled upon the issue about --noEmitError not providing useful messages.
That doesn't seem to be the case with recent versions of TS.

I couldn't quite understand if there's other reasons of why errors are not propagated.

Well if you have the fail plugin in place now then you should be good. I can't actually remember anymore the details of why I'm afraid.... @jbrantly may be able to advise.

gabro commented

Yes, my CI is happy now.

However, I suspect I'm not and I won't be the only one being bitten by this.

Having the loader to propagate the errors to webpack is a reasonable expectation to have, so I'd like to understand what is the blocking issue.

I think this is more of a webpack rather than a ts-loader issue. I agree it's a reasonable expectation to have. There's more context here: webpack/webpack#708

gabro commented

Ah I see, thanks for the pointer.

Unfortunately, in my case, when I want to use thread-loader or happypack the webpack-fail-plugin not works (even I use new ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin({ checkSyntacticErrors: true }) plugin).